"Okay so we're stopping by Alex's house first?" I ask them. We're deciding who's house we're going to first. The closest house off this exit is Alex's so we're going to hers.
"And then yours" Ash tells me from the backseat. I nod and I take a left after exiting the highway. After 10 mins we arrive at Alex's house.
"Who's car is that?" Alex says as we see a black Camry. Servando's home, maybe it's a friend.
"Could be Daniel, he recently bought a new car" I tell her as I pull up on the driveway. Daniel is a good friend of Servando. She gets off, we wait outside for her. We hear yelling. I look back at Ash and then we hear glass breaking. We both get off as quickly as possible, and we run to Alex's house. We walk in and Alex is on the ground crying by a broken glass bottle. I see Servando in the living room with his head in his hands but I also see a girl half naked by the corner.
All I see is red. I run up to Servando and I grab his shoulder quickly to keep him in place, and throw a blown punch to his face. He tackles me down, and he punches me in the ribs repeatedly, fuck .. I'm bruising there. I knee him in the gut. He rolls over, and I get on top of him."You fuckin bastard!" I say as I throw a punch across his jaw. I feel arms pull me up away from him. Servando gets up and he wipes the blood off his face with his shirt.
"Calm down" Ash tells me over my shoulder and she holds me. I wiggle myself agressively out of Ashlyn's hold, and I tackle Servando. I punch him in the face and I knee his crotch. I get up and I fix my shirt and blazer.
"Alex go pack your bags" I tell Alex who's recovered but has dry tear stains, hurt in her face. She nods slowly and walks out of the room. I grab Servando's arms and I drag him out of the house and I push him in the grass. I walk back inside and I look at the half naked girl. I pick up her clothes and I throw it at her. I put my hand on my ribs. It's starting to hurt real bad.
"Change, and get the hell out of here or else I will drag you out of here" I tell her she nods scarily. Ash and I look away, so she can change. Once she's done she walks out the house.
"Go check on Ali, and make sure those idiots left" I tell Ash who has stayed quiet the entire time. She walks out the apartment. I walk to the floor that has broken class scattered. I pick up the big pieces and throw them in the trash. I search for the broom. I sweep the glass up. I sit on the couch. I grab my ribs, I know for sure I won't be able to play in the game against Brazil. Alex comes back out with suitcases. She puts them on the side and walks over to me.
"Let me see" she tells me as she tries to lift my shirt up, but I grab her hand to stop her. I shake my head. I don't want her to see, because she'll start to blame herself even more. I know what she's thinking.
"Just help me up please?" I ask her as I hold my hand up, she nods and grabs it. She pulls me up gently. I wince as I feel a shot of pain. I help her with her suitcases, Ash puts them in the back of the car. Alex walks back inside the house, and comes back with 2 ice bags. We should call the cops on him for hitting me but I don't want to be arrested for starting it.
"Please let me see" Alex asks me as she holds the ice bags in her hands. Ali looks at me with sadness in her eyes. I oblige and I lift my shirt up. My sides are bruising bad. They're dark purple and bluish. I see Ali with watery eyes. Alex looks away from quickly and puts the ice on my ribs gently. I grab the other one from her and I put on on my other side.
"Can we get to my apartment" I ask them. Ashlyn nods and I give her the keys. Ali goes to the passenger seat, Alex takes her seat. I think she's just in shock right now. She lays her head on my shoulder, and I move my hand slightly up so she knows I want to hold her hand. She moves her to mine. Ashlyn drives to my apartment, when we get there they get off and unlock it for me. I actually stay in the car.
"Can you get my mail?, here's the key" I hand it to Ali, she walks to the office. Where all the mailboxes are. Alex stays by my side as Ashlyn brings my stuff out. The furniture was there when I moved in so all I have to do is take my clothes, which isn't a lot. My consoles and that's pretty much it. Ali comes back and takes my apartment key to the office. I electronically signed off and I called them in advanced. So all I had to do was return the key. We're on the way to krashlyn's house.
"Ashlyn's right, you should stay with them" I tell Alex. She shouldn't stay over there, especially by herself. Since I won't no longer live here. I don't want her alone. Ashlyn nods for agreement.
"Please Alex" Ali turns around and gives Alex a pleading look. Alex nods slowly. She's been quiet the entire time.

Saving The Day
RandomHolland Reed is the #1 goalkeeper for USWNT, taking over the role of Hope Solo. Attending her 3rd World cup and possibly winning gold. Playing overseas in a Club. And dating a girl with a life opposite from hers. Can they make it work? Can Holland f...