31 Part 2

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"Okay seriously you guys, if you did... did you guys do it on my seat?" Innocent Mal looks at us worryingly. Lindsey walks to Mal, and puts her hands on Mal's shoulder.

"Let's go honey, the adults are talking"

I look back to the group of women who have questions. I'm sitting in a chair between 2 women. Christen and Kelly. Someone deciding to say that her, Christen and I wanted to do a three some... Kelly.

"I didn't have sex with neither of these two women, neither did I request too." I tell Alex, Rapinoe, Krashlyn, Tobin, and Allie, who are looking down at us.

"There's really only one way to know the truth... Christen?"

"No one had sex in the locker room" she speaks up, and everyone else looks at each other. I turn to look at Christen, she hasn't looked at me the same way.

"Kelly-yy" Alex drags out, with her attention on kelly. She holds her hands up in defence.

"Okay it was a tinsy little lie but Christen and Holland kissed, then you guys came in. We sorta panick-"

"You guys kissed?!"

"Kelly!" This time Christen yells


Kelly gets up quickly, and I run after her.

Time skip.

"Hold on let me get this on video" Sonnett takes her phone out to record. I'm holding Kelly above the pool. She squirms in my arms, but I'm much more stronger then her. Lindsey, Rose, and Sonnett are both eating this up.

"Hey hey" Christen grabs my forearm, all of a sudden it's like she shocked me. I flinched, and she looks at me weirdly.

"You just shocked me" I tell her

"Boohoo, let me go!" Kelly shouts, and Christen looks at me pleadingly, not giving in. She starts to pout, and I shake my head.

"Fine" Christen tells me before leaning up to me, she presses her lips against me.

"Yo what the" we hear one of the youngsters say.

Ignoring them, I let go off what I was holding. We hear a splash, and I keep kissing Christen. When we pull away, I just can't believe we just did that again. I mean I'm not at all against it, for some reason I feel something when I'm under her touch after we first kissed.


I turn around, and I see Kelly climbing out of the pool. She's completely soaked, she smirks at us. Runs to us bearing hugging us.

"Damnit Kelly!" I yell, as I feel water piercing through the fabric of my clothes.

It's the last day of camp, and Christen hasn't mentioned anything about the kiss. I leave tomorrow morning, back to France.. to Lucy. Who I much indeed have feelings for. This would be a good time to talk to my best friend. Hopefully she's not sucking faces with Tobito. I walk up to my hotel room, I knock 2 times. The door opens, and what do you know.. I was right. Alex wasn't alone.

"Hey dude what are you doing here?" Tobin cheekily smiles at me.

"Well this is also my Hotel room" I pat her shoulder walking towards my bed. She closes the door. After a min, Alex comes out of the shower, and.........

"Oh shit"


I cover my eyes, while walking to the bathroom past my naked best friend. I never seen Alex naked but... Tobin's one lucky woman. I wait patiently in my bathroom, assuming Alex is changing.

There's a door knock, and I open the bathroom door. Alex finally dressed, I step out, and I look at her chuckling.

"Well this has been a very weird Camp. I kissed both my best friends, I dropped a squirrel in the pool and-"

"You dropped a what in a pool" Tobin questions.

"And I just seen my best friend naked.... oh and not to mention, My hearts been broke. A couple of times. Wonder what the whole month of the world cup brings us! Whoo!" I shout, and jump on my bed. I sigh heavily.

"You and me both" Tobin chuckles, laying on the side of my bed.

"Oh honey, everything will get better. Just be patient." Alex tells us walking over, and sitting on the other side of me. She runs her hand through my hair. I look at her chest, I can't believe I just saw her naked. I'm hit on the shoulder, for looking.


"Sorry sorry, you'd the same if it was the reversed." I rub the spot I was currently hit. The three of us lay in my bed, Alex with her arms around me. Tobin has her legs wrapped around my waist. Holy shit...

"I'm the Talex baby"

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