"Reed! I want you in goal today" Coach tells me, we're in the locker room waiting to walk out but he's made some changes in the line up.
"Was zum Teufel" I hear come out of Lisa's mouth, we all turn around to look at her. Not knowing what she said. I'm just going to assume she's not cool with this change. (What the fuck)
"She didn't sound to happy" Parris whispers to me
"No kidding" I whisper back. We share a small laugh and return back to our coach. When he finishes we start to gear up. Sarah helps me tape my hands and I help tape hers. She'll most likely be my sub if I get hurt.
"Lisa's upset but don't worry it's not against you. She just really wanted to play tonight since we're in Germany and her family is here" Sarah tells me as I adjust my shin guards, and I lace my cleats.
"Noted" I tell her and I grab my gloves and I put them on.
"Oh my gosh!" Parris shouts coming to me
"This is your first game with Lucy!" She says excitedly and pats on my shoulder repeatedly.
"Ah man, I didn't even think of that!" I say back, and we both start to walk out with the other girls for the game to start. I feel an arm wrap around my shoulders. Recognizing the touch, I turn back to Lucy smiling.
"Excited?" She asks me
"Very!" I tell her we get in the lineup, and we walk out. They play Germany's anthem and then France's. I stand there out of respect of the countries. Renard goes up to shake hands with Wolfsburg's captain. I strap my gloves up and make sure my boots are tied.
"Elle ferait mieux de passer, après avoir été nommé l'un des meilleurs gardiens de but" I hear Amandine Henry says in French to Le Sommer. I walk closer to her and Le Sommer was going to say something to her before I interrupted. (She better come through, after being named one of the best goalkeepers)
"Entre vous et moi, je suis avec les gants. Avoir une certaine foi" I say to her in French, causing others to look at me surprised. (Between you and I, I'm the one with the gloves. Have some faith)
"Tu connais le français?" (You know french?) I hear Azzaro ask me.
"Let's go girls!" Renard shouts and we start to disperse and get in our positions.
"Indépendamment de ce qu'ils pourraient dire, votre gardien de but est incroyable" Sarah tells me in French, loud enough for the others to hear as I walk to goal. I send her a thumbs up and a smile. I appreciate what she said. (Regardless of what they might say, your an amazing goalkeeper).
I look at Lucy as she sends me a reassuring smile. "Don't let it get to you, we need your head in the game Holly" she tells me with a raised voice so that I can hear her clearly. I nod and I get myself in the zone. Ref blows the whistle and the game starts. As the team remains possessions with the ball. I step off the line.
"Push up!" I tell my defenders. The ball was taken away after a poor pass. I move slowly back to goal. After a few mins, Wolfsburg breaks through and a player runs to goal. I make a run for it, to make the goal smaller. She kicks it to my right and I dive, my finger tips touching the ball. It goes out of bounce. I clap my hands together "Come on girls!" I yell at my defenders. Wolfsburg sets up for a corner kick. A player gets in front of me, and I lightly shove her forward
"Mark up" I tell her but she moves closer to me. I hate when players do this. I lightly push her forward. When the whistles blown. Wolfsburg kicks it up.
"Keeper!" I tell my team as I jump up at the same time as a Wolfsburg player tries to head it colliding with my side. Both of us falling and I hang tight to the ball. I'm on the ground hugging the ball. I feel a tap on my shoulder. "All clear" I hear Lucy tell me, I get up with the ball still in my hands. I wave to the backline to push up more. I kick it up the field, and Izzy heads it to Parris. She passes it back to Izzy. She dribbles to the middle of the field and flicks it back to Lucy. She runs down the flank and she kicks it over to Renard but the ball was headed away, and it was intercepted by a Wolfsburg midfielder. "Drop!" I tell the backline. The midfielder passes it to the player breaking the backline. Coming fast towards me
"Drop!" I keep yelling, I need them to run back and defend. As she gets closer, I run forward and throw my hands to the ball as I dive. Grabbing the ball from under her feet. She jumps over me. I'm getting frustrated.
"Come on!" I yell at the girls with frustration. I pass the ball to Lucy. In the 1st half we scored 2 goals. Le Sommer and Renard scoring. The ref blows the whistle for half time. I've only had to do 4 saves, can't imagine being the other keeper. We walk to the tunnel, and I'm following behind. I see Lucy and I catch up to her.
"Hey Love" I tell her as I wrap my around her shoulder. She wraps her arm on my waist as we walk to the locker room.
"I'm be honest Holly, your very sexy when your frustrated" she tells me with her sweet English accent. She makes me blush and I look away.
"I shouldn't have to be frustrated though" I tell her as I chuckle. She nods understanding. We walk in and I take my gloves off. She cringes and pushes my hands away from her. I scoff
"What was that for?"
"They stink babe" she tells me with a cute disgusted look. I roll my eyes playfully and I walk to my cubby.

Saving The Day
RandomHolland Reed is the #1 goalkeeper for USWNT, taking over the role of Hope Solo. Attending her 3rd World cup and possibly winning gold. Playing overseas in a Club. And dating a girl with a life opposite from hers. Can they make it work? Can Holland f...