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'I have got Boros.' Gracio said. He was in a meeting with other important members of the Galactic Force. 'Great!' another member said. 'I have checked it with my Psychic powers.' Gracio continued 'If he unlocks his other forms, he will be the strongest living being in the entire galaxy or maybe, even the universe... He will be a great asset of the Galactic Army... I, will try my best to manipulate him into joining the Galactic Army. He is just 5 years now so it is easy. Very easy. And even if that doesn't work, I will use my Psychic powers on him to convince him. Which I admit, shall be very hard because of how much power he contains within himself. Even I cannot imagine that a 5 year old can contain such immeasurable power. Immeasurable power which will grow as he ages. And that immeasurable power will be OURS! Hahaha, I cannot wait to recruit him in the Galactic Army.' 

'Did you tell him that you are going to recruit him?' Venella, a member of the Galactic Force asked. 'If I told it to him now, he would get even more stubborn.' Gracio told 'I will have to slowly reveal it to him that he will indeed get recruited by us. I will tell him when he has adapted the lifestyle. The lifestyle of getting whatever he wants! It would be like heaven to him! He just would not be able to leave me after getting that lifestyle FROM me! Hahahaha!' 'That's still...' Venella began 'Wrong.' 'It isn't.' Gracio said 'I can argue with you on it.' 'Well, you will of course win the argument since you can read minds but you are still wrong.' Venella said. 'I am not, haha!' Gracio said 'You are. And for that, I order you to leave from this meeting. Anybody who agrees with her shall also leave!' 'Why should I have to leave?' Venella yelled 'Only because I disagreed with you?'

Gracio got tired of her at this point and used his Psychic Powers to blast her out of the building. She fell to the ground and then looked up at the broken glass of the building. She felt sad and insulted. 'You will pay for this, Gracio.' Venella thought as he started walking away 'I will reveal everything to Boros now and now onl-' 

Suddenly a voice emerged in her head. The voice of Gracio. He was using telepathy. 'It seems that you forgot something you told a few minutes ago.' Gracio told 'I can read minds.' Venella widened her eyes as she realized the blunder she had done but it was too late. She blasted into nothingness in a second.

That was Gracio's power. 

One Punch Man: Boros' JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now