Meteoric Burst

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'A new form?' Gracio laughed 'What a joke! You look so pale. Wow, haha, I thought final forms looked more powerful than that. You look even weaker than you were before!' 

'Don't go on the looks.' he heard someone whisper into his ear. He turned around to see nobody. 'Too bad you cannot see me now because of how speedy I am.' another whisper reached his ears. 'Is that... Boros?' Gracio thought 'Is he actually toying with me?' 

'Hey, look up here.' Boros yelled. Gracio angrily looked up to a Boros who was flying mid air. 'Are you seriously flying?' Gracio yelled 'But how can you do that without psychic powers or strong wings?' 'Hah, this isn't flying.' Boros told 'I just jumped very high and am now controlling my body to stay up here. I can do that in my new form, you know, since my new form, Meteoric Burst, is invincible!' 

'You think so?' Gracio yelled 'THEN DEFEAT ME!' Boros came near him and whispered "Sure..." as he softly punched Gracio in the face. Gracio suddenly blasted and all that was left of him was his purple alien blood. Boros smiled. 'Even me running past you in this form would have melted you.' he said as he looked at the remains of Gracio. Griosta and Geryuganshoop were shocked by Boros' new form. It was just too powerful! Griosta was impressed. 'Woah, that power was beyond my imagination!' he said. 

Boros transformed back to his normal form. 'It's true that this new form of yours is overpowered but...' Geryuganshoop began 'I feel like it has one downside... I just can't figure out what. I am still trying to figure out that downside with my Psychic powers though.' Griosta also tried to search for that downside with his own powers. 

He found it out in a minute and was horrified by it. 'That one downside is... Using it shortens your lifespan.' he told. 

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