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'Ahhhh, so you have killed all of the members of my Kingdom, how sad...' a voice emerged out of nowhere. Boros turned around. He narrowed his eye. 'Where is that voice coming from?' he thought. 

'Yes, Boros, I murdered your parents.' Firenix said. Boros widened his eyes. 'Where are you speaking from?' he yelled into the sky 'Stop hiding, you coward.' 'Nah, it will be fun killing you in the same method I killed your powerful parents.' Firenix replied 'By hiding and unleashing fire upon you from literally nowhere! Hahaha, your confused face will be so fun to see!' 

'You make me sick!' Boros yelled. 'I agree with Lord Boros.' Geryuganshoop said 'You indeed are a very disturbing person.' 'Oh, am I?' Firenix asked 'IT'S SAD THAT A PERSON LIKE ME KILLED YOUR PARENTS AND WILL NOW KILL ALL OF YOU, ISN'T IT?' That made Boros even more angry.

'It's pretty weird how I cannot see him either.' Geryuganshoop thought 'Normally, I would be able to see someone who is using invisibility with my psychic abilities but here, I cannot see Firenix so he must not be using invisibility or any power similar to that. He must be literally hiding somewhere. And while there are a lot of big rocks here, he must not be hiding in them too since I cannot sense any living being behind those rocks. So... where is he?'

'REVEAL YOURSELF!' Boros yelled 'REVEALLL! YOU COWARDDD!' 'Fine.' Firenix said as a strong fireball came out of nowhere and blasted Boros far away. 

'LORD BOROS!' Geryuganshoop yelled. Then he started thinking "That fireball came out of nowhere. What is happening? Is Firenix really THIS powerful? Could it be... That Firenix is almost as powerful as Lord Gracio? If so, then that's trouble for me and Lord Boros since I doubt he would be able to defeat someone as powerful as Lord Gracio without his Meteoric Burst move. But if he uses that move, his lifespan will be shortened. This is a tough situation that we are currently in.' 

Boros slowly got up. He was even angrier and he seemed even deadlier than before. 'Firenix...' he muttered and then, smiled

One Punch Man: Boros' JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now