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'Why did you call me, Father?' Boros asked as he met Gracio in his palace. 'The way you beat up Griosta...' Gracio began 'It scared me. I am horrified to say that you are... dangerous. You can cause harm and destruction to this planet. And even I can't be there to stop you since I will pass away soon. So what can we even do about you? What can you do about you? What can you do to stop this planet from facing this danger known as you? Finish yourself, maybe?' 

Boros was silent. He was astonished. 'So fighting back made me dangerous?' he asked. 'No, defeating your opponent so brutally... did!' Gracio replied. 'Then I guess Griosta is vene more dangerous than me since he has defeated me many more times brutally.' Boros yelled. 'Because those times you were holding back since you saw Griosta as a brother and he is your brother, right?' Gracio asked 'So why won't you do this little sacrifice for the safety of your brother? Are you a real brother?' 'I was.' Boros yelled 'But if being a brother means sacrificing myself before becoming strong enough then I am rather happy to not be a brother!'

Gracio became furious that his manipulative talks weren't working on Boros anymore. 'Then I myself shall defeat you with my Psychic powers!' Gracio yelled. 'You know that I am more powerful than you, right?' Boros asked. 'Yes, but you also won't hurt your father, right?' Boros widened his eyes. He didn't know what  to do.

Should he fight back or should he let Gracio use his Psychic powers on him? He didn't know. 

'Just remember, I gave you shelter at my home after your parents were BURNT!' Gracio yelled. Tears started dropping from Boros' eyes. He was confused. He didn't know what to do. Suddenly he felt a huge wave of power approaching him. It was Gracio's psychic powers. He felts like Gracio was absorbing all his powers and he couldn't even do anything. He started having nightmares. He yelled and finally tried to punch Gracio but he dodged. 

'You tried to attack ME?' Gracio asked, looking emotional 'How cou-' Suddenly he couldn't speak anymore. His mouth was shut. 'What's happening? he thought. 'I am happening...' a mysterious figure standing at the entrance of the room said. That mysterious figure was covered with purple glowing light. It was Griosta. 

'When will you stop with your dirty tactics?' he asked 'You tried to even use them on me but thankfully and unfortunately for you, they don't work on me since I can read your mind too, just like you can read mine. You are clearly misusing your ability to read minds and now, I shall show you why you should never do stuff like this... ever again.' 

One Punch Man: Boros' JourneyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon