Volcanion People

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Boros was still following the people of the Volcanio Kingdom. Suddenly some of them said "Would you like to face Firenix all alone or would you like to battle him yourself?" Boros smiled as he replied "I would like to battle him all by myself!". 'Then why are your minions coming with you?' the Volcanion people asked. 'Oh...' Boros said 'Should they not come? Okay then, everyone, don't follow us anymore!' Geryuganshoop and the others obeyed Boros and stayed there. 'We will wait for you to return, Lord Boros!' Geryuganshoop yelled as he waved "goodbye" with his blue tentacles. 

'I want to defeat someone who killed my parents all by myself, after all...' Boros thought. 

The Volcanion people were smiling too, after Boros has come a long way and there was no sign of his minions nearby. 'Hey, Boros?' one of the volcanion people asked. 'Yeah?' Boros replied. 

'Why would you think that we would lead you to our king?' 

Boros narrowed his eyes. 

'Do you think we are that foolish?' 

'Do you want to die?' Boros asked. The person laughed. 'Do you?' she asked back with a horrifying smile on her face. Boros smiled too. 'Death awaits you.' he said 'You cannot defeat me all by yourself. Our power levels have a drastic difference.' 

The person smiled even more and all the Volcanion people started smiling. 'You fell for our trap!' they yelled 'We would never lead you to our great king, Firenix?' 'So, did you lie about him killing my parents?' Boros asked. 'No.' they answered 'But we lied to you about our king being nearby! In fact, he is far away from here! Far far away!' 'So he has still killed my parents.' Boros thought.

'DIE!' the Volcanion people said as they unleashed FIRE on Boros. Boros widened his eye. 

'What?' he thought 'W-Why is the fire so hot? It's hotter than the usual fire. I really do feel the pain.... What's happening... Agh. My hair got burnt a little bit. I have got to stop this soon!' 

The Volcanion people unleashed fire on Boros together but that was still not enough to defeat Boros! He jumped out of the fire and looked at them with a widened eye. 'Die.' he thought as he landed on the ground, ran towards them and killed half of them. The rest of them were surprised by his power but they still didn't stop! They continued their fight with Boros!

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