Fire and Boros

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Half of the Volcanion people who had betrayed Boros were still alive and had thought of a strategy to defeat him. They divided into several groups and they would attack Boros with fire from all sides since they clearly saw that Boros was feeling pain from that fire, which meant that the fire was effective against him. 

After they had taken their positions, they jumped up in the air and unleashed their fire on Boros. Boros again jumped up with anger but as soon as he jumped up, he got hit with several fireballs which caught him off guard and sent him back into the fire. Yes, there were spare Volcanion people who would throw fireballs or fire at him once he tried to jump up. He was surrounded by fire from all sides so jumping was his only option and the people blocked that only option. 

Boros was even more angry this time. He jumped high up into the air once again and the fireballs came at him with incredible speed once again but this time he just kicked away all those fireballs and then killed one of those people who were throwing the fireballs. Before the other Volcanion people could start unleashing fire on him once again, he killed most of them and only ten of them were left.

'Huh, what now?' Boros said with a smirk 'You thought quantity would overpower me? Nope. If there are millions of people who are weaklings and one person who is strong, then that strong person wins, just like now.' 

'So how are you different from our king?' one of the Volcanion people said 'He killed your parents. You killed his beloved citizens. You two are the same, aren't you?' Boros smiled as he said "Gracio tried tricks like that on me before and now I am used to it. I am not guilty for killing people who tried to kill me." 

He then instantly killed the remaining people and smiled. Geryuganshoop and the others came rushing at Boros. 'We saw fire so we came for you!' Geryuganshoop yelled 'Wait. What have you done to these people?' 

'That fire you saw, it was released by these people.' Boros answered 'They tried to kill me, so I killed them. Simple, isn't it, Geryuganshoop?' He looked at Geryuganshoop with a menacing expression. 

'Woah, this time he is really serious about this.' Geryuganshoop thought 'The king of this planet killed his actual parents so I guess it's natural and understandable, after all.' 

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