Griosta vs. Boros

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It had been a few years since Gracio had adopted Boros. Now, Boros was 15 years old and Griosta was 13. Boros had trained with his strong opponent- Griosta - and had become so strong by now that even Gracio feared him and so, he had put an armor on him. An armor which controlled his power and resisted it. But when he fought with Griosta, he took off that armor and went into his "released form". And that day was another day where he had to fight and train with Griosta. 

'I hope I can win with him today.' Boros thought 'Since I am won with him zero times. Because of his "Power Form".' The match finally began. 'I don't think I will even have to go into my Power Form to defeat you.' Griosta said as he yawned 'You are so weak and naive. Ughh, you bore me. Gracio and everyone else kept cheering for Griosta. Boros tried to punch Griosta but he swiftly dodged it and instead he punched Boros. 'Haha!' Griosta laughed as he used his Psychic powers on Boros and tossed him on the battlefield. 'Very good, my son.' Gracio  thought with a smile 'Perhaps I won't need Boros after all, since Griosta seems to be more powerful than both Boros and me.' 

Griosta tried to punch Boros once again but this time he dodged. 'Huh?' Griosta thought 'What happened?' Then he suddenly started yelling "WHY DID YOU DODGE!" 'Because, it's a fight.' Boros seriously replied as he hurt Griosta with his elbow. 'For the first time, I feel angry.' Boros said 'I had had enough of you. I will now show you who is weak and naive! Naive enough to enrage ME! LORD BOROS!' He punched Griosta ten times before he could even use any of his powers and then kicked him way back. 'This feels like a real fight!' Boros thought 'All the other times, I had been bored in fights and never really tried with Griosta since I viewed him as a friend. A brother. And didn't mean to hurt him. But today, he called me weak and naive and that, I take as an insult! I have trained for years to become stronger and stronger so I am not going to be called weak by some stupid Psychic being.' 

Gracio read some parts of Boros' mind. It was hard to read the entirety of his mind because of how powerful he was, but Gracio was still smart enough to understand what Boros was thinking just from the bits of his thoughts that he had read. 'So... He is way stronger than Griosta... Who is stronger than me...' Gracio thought as he widened his eyes 'I knew Boros was as strong as me or less, but I didn't think he could surpass me in power at this scale! I can sense his power! It's almost endless and... It scares me.'

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