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It had been some years since Boros had defeated Gracio. He let Griosta take over the Galactic Force, even though he had the right to rule it since he was the one who defeated it's previous ruler- Gracio. 

He instead went on a journey with his now trustworthy partner, Geryuganshoop. A journey of the entire universe. A journey to see if anyone could ever beat him. Yes, he had now become so powerful due to his training that there was not a single living being in the universe who held a candle to his power but still, he had high hopes for a tough opponent. So he had set off to find a tough opponent with 1% of the army of the Galactic Force. He had taken only a few strong soldiers like Groribas and Geryuganshoop. The rest of his army was weak. It seemed weird to Griosta that he had taken such a weak army for his gang called the "Dark Matter Thieves" but Boros explained that he had taken such a weak army since he did not want to depend on his army but his power and his power alone.

Geryuganshoop was taken since he was a really smart and trustworthy octopus and Groribas was just show off. 

It had been a few months since Boros had started his journey and in these few months, he had destroyed 5 planets. He was so enraged to not find a tough opponent that he destroyed all those planets with the bombs of his powerful spaceship. The spaceship was one of the strongest spaceships of the Galactic Force, He wanted a strong spaceship so that it could withstand his power if he ever went into his Unreleased Form or even worse, his Meteoric Burst form. And also because he didn't want his journey to end because of a meteor or something like that. The spaceship he chose could withstand a meteor if it was not big enough. 

Their next stop was Fortuna, the planet of Fortune Tellers. 'Why are we here again?' Groribas asked 'Do you think that some Fortune Teller is going to be stronger than you, Lord Boros?' 

'No, Groribas...' Boros answered 'I have not faced any strong opponent and even I am losing hope and hence, I have become impatient. Now I need to know whether I will ever face a worthy foe or not and this is the land that will the give me my desired answer! I  will finally know if my dream will come true... Or not...' He smiled as he started walking out of his spaceship. 

'Ahhh, such fresh air...' he complimented as he got out. 

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