The Volcanio Kingdom

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The Dark Matter Thief gang had entered the Volcanio Kingdom. Everyone was astonished to see Boros and the rest of the Dark Matter Thief on their planet and they started panicking. They started thinking that now, their planet was doomed since Boros had stepped on it. If he didn't find a good enough opponent, he would destroy the entire planet. 

Boros went into the busiest part of the Kingdom and yelled "You all must know why I am here. I am here for a good opponent who can give me a nice and challenging fight. An opponent who can rekindle my fighting spirit! Take me to the strongest warrior of your planet! I want to battle that warrior!" 

'B-but if we told you who our strongest warrior is, you would get angry!' a kid yelled. His mother quickly shut his mouth with her hand. 'Shut up.' she muttered. 'Let that kid speak.' Boros ordered. The kid's mother did as Boros told. 

'So, why would I get angry if you told me who your strongest warrior is?' Boros asked. 'You don't know?' that kid asked back 'Everyone here knows that the strongest warrior on our planet, our king, Firenix, had set your original house on fire and had killed your parents. That is how you ended up being adopted by the previous ruler of the Galactic Force, Gracio, in the first place. Everyone in the universe knows that. This fact is in our History Books!' Boros widened his eyes. He was dumbfounded. Everyone got frightened about the blank expression Boros was making. 'What have you done?' the kid's mother yelled 'He will probably just finish this planet out of anger!' 

'So... I ended up in the hands of Gracio because of the strongest warrior of this planet.' Boros thought 'Huh, so in a way, he has already defeated me. Defeated me by ruining my childhood... By ruining my everything. I don't care whether he is strong enough or not. I... just... WANT TO FINISH HIM!' 

Boros suddenly started yelling "AAAAAA! I AM ALL CHARGED UP! LEAD ME TO THAT FIRENIX SO THAT I CAN FINISH HIM! LEAD MEEEEE... OR I SHALL KILL YOU ALL!" Everyone got frightened. 'Sure!' all of them yelled 'Follow us!' Boros angrily followed them. He was so angry that each one of his footsteps caused cracks on the hard ground. 

'Firenix...' he crazily murmured 'You... are doomed.' 

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