Weak and Naive

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Boros went towards Griosta with full speed and punched him once again with all the strength he had got in the face. 'Oh wow, you are so weak and naive!' Boros yelled. 'You are angry just because of those th-three w-words?' Griosta asked as his face cracked. Gracio was shocked. 'GRIOSTA'S FACE CRACKED! he yelled. 'So?' the other members yelled back 'It's a fight. Griosta can be cured anyways. It's not everyday we get to see how powerful Boros truly is!' 

Gracio thought of going to the battlefield himself but was scared of the thought of Boros hurting him in anger too, so he decided to remain where he was. 

'No, maybe I am naive...' Boros told 'The word I am really angry about is "weak". I am not weak anymore! I am not weak, like I was when my parents died. My parents died because I was weak! I saw a silhouette of a person near my house when it was burning. That person was spewing fire out of his hands. I couldn't stop that person because I was so weak! BUT I AM NOT WEAK ANYMORE!' 'Who cares about your parents anyways?' Griosta asked. Boros landed a hundred more punches as he replied with "I do." as he kicked Griosta to another side of the humongouse battlefield The kick was so strong that the battlefield shattered in to pieces. The audience was safe just because there was a group of 100 psychics forming a Psychic Net above the battlefield and preventing both of them to do damage outside of the battlefield. 

'Enough...' Griosta told 'Heh, you have made me angry too. And now, you will pay for it!' He used all his Psychic Powers on Boros and froze him. Boros tried to move but was still unable to do so. Now Griosta punched Boros again and again. 'I will be the winner once again!' he told 'And again, you are weak! WEAK WEAK WEAK WEAAAAK!'

Boros yelled as he unfroze himself and freed him from Griosta's wrath with all the strength he had got and finally landed a final blow on Griosta. That final blow knocked out Griosta and he immediately got unconscious. Gracio ordered the doctors to take Griosta to the most advanced hospital on the planet immediately. 

He then telepathically told Boros to meet him in his building and teleported to the building. 

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