Boros vs. Firenix

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Boros dashed into the lava but his armor immediately started to melt and Firenix began to laugh. Boros still smiled. 'So, the armor used to restrain my complete power has been... melted.' he said 'So that basically means, you are dead.' He quickly went into his Unreleased Form and suddenly he couldn't feel the pain from the burning hot lava anymore! 

He smiled as he kicked Firenix up into the air who was just too shocked by this. 'So the first one was y-your base form?' he asked 'I thought it was your Ultimate since your base form killed all my powerful people!' 'Looks like you do not know a lot about me.' Boros said as he gave another punch to Firenix and threw him far away. Boros started to chase after Firenix but suddenly, after he had chased him long enough, he suddenly noticed he was getting surrounded by Fire. 

'I was acting to getting thrown far away easily by your punch so that we could fight far away from where the rest of your army was!' Firenix yelled. 'Well, that won't work since I will defeat you with or without my army anyways.' Boros replied 'Just a side note, but fire doesn't work on my Released Form!' That astonished Firenix. He still managed to surround Boros with a wall of fire and tried to finish him in an instant but that just did not work! 'Told you.' Boros said with a smirk 'Now... time to get defeated.' 

Boros came right in front of a very frightened Firenix and punched him with all he had got. Firenix was finished in an instant. 

Boros quickly returned to the rest of his army and they immediately destroyed the entire planet with their ship and then they quickly decided to not waste any more time on this planet and go to the other ones to see if the Prophecy told by  The Great Seer turned out to be true or not. Boros' army didn't believe it but Boros did anyways. They recruited another person from another planet named Melzargard who turned out to be one of the strongest members of Dark Matter Thieves gang and also one of the most loyal people to Boros. 

On the other side, Griosta had achieved a new Final Form called Dark Beast which was even more powerful than Boros' Meteoric Burst which Boros was really happy to hear about. 

After several years of wandering from one planet to the other, they finally came on the planet Earth. Every single member of Boros' group said that it would be impossible for him to find a worthy opponent in what they called a "garbage planet" but Boros still had high hopes for Earth. They destroyed an entire city with their ship first to attract all the strong heroes and they were even successful at it. Many strong heroes came, including a B Class hero named Saitama.

Saitama quickly bust in through Boros spaceship and defeated many of his crew members and finally reached him. Boros stood up out of respect after seeing the raw strength flowing through Saitama. He just smiled. 'This will be a nice fight.' he thought.

A few minutes later, Boros found himself dead. 

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