Marinette's Introduction:

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      Hello, my name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I am 15 years of age, and I help my parents around the bakery by baking delicious sweets; I also babysit a little girl named Manon Chamack. I am also a Junior in Collège Françoise DuPont.

      My best friends are Alya Césaire and Juleka Couffaine. Juleka has a girlfriend named Rose Lavillant [also my Friend], who we all like and support the relationship they have. Alya has a boyfriend named Nino Lahiffe who I get along well with especially his Dj skills are off the charts. He's best of friends with my heart aching longtime crush Adrien Agreste.

      I just found out that he has a Girlfriend named Kagami Tsurugi. She is good for him; I suppose, but it still hurts to see them together.

      Enough about that I am here to explain who I am and how my life gets so much better with a special someone. Before we get into that, you'll have to read onward. Things about me.... I love to sing, design clothes, and draw/sketch anything my heart desires. The thing is I keep my sing a secret; the only people who know I sing because they find out are my parents [OBVIOUSLY] Juleka, Alya, and Nino. I'm scared that people would think I am terrible, but my friends assure me I'm amazing.

      Anyways I'm too shy to perform at the school music competitions that are in Spring. Little did I know that I would be performing in the competition thanks to a little stealthy ninja named Juleka; with someone that I never thought would love me or that I would fall face first [Literally] for.

      That's enough about me, now introduce that sexy... *coughs* umm I mean introduce the boy who turned my world upside down in the best way ever. 

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