Ready/Competition Time!!

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Luka's POV:

      A few months passed and Mari has healed completely so for the past few months we have been working on what we will be performing in the Competition that is next month!! I asked everyone over who is going to be performing with us, to my place to figure everything out.

      Mari was already over due to her staying the night. I reach over her and grab my phone to see that it was noon and that everyone will be over in an hour. I sigh, "Time to get up Gorgeous, our friends will be here in a hour and we still have to shower and get dressed!!" I kissed her neck as I slowly pushed her off the bed.

      We both landed on the floor as she giggled and pushed me off her. She quickly got up and ran to the shower with me trailing behind her. We hopped into the shower and washed up. After brushing our teeth and getting dressed we got all our notes and lyrics ready just in time for Juleka, Rose, Alya, and Nino to walk in.

      I smiled at them as we all sat on the floor to discuss who is playing what and doing what. "Well, dude and dudette's you already know I am going to be your DJ for all the lights and cool sound effects!!" Nino blurted out first as Mari wrote it down in her note book and everything that will be needed for him. "We will have to practice everything and the routine of the lights and sounds," Mari mumbled as she wrote that down as well and we all chuckled at her.

      She blushed and looked down as Alya said, "I'll be videoing the whole thing and will be editing everything afterwards!!" Mari wrote that as well knowing already that was what Alya was going to do anyways. Rose then spoke, "I will be the rocken Drummer Girl?" She suggested. "I'm Bass Guitar obviously and Luka is Lead Guitar and Male Vocalist," Juleka announced as Mari wrote everyone's roles down including hers. "So that makes me the Lead Female Vocalist!!" Mari scribbles more things down.

 "So that makes me the Lead Female Vocalist!!" Mari scribbles more things down

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      Few hours passed and I was teaching Mari how to play a few chords. She was a giggling mess when she made the wrong sound, but she never stopped trying to get it right. I smiled down at her and kissed her cheek every time she got the sound right.

 I smiled down at her and kissed her cheek every time she got the sound right

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      After some time everyone was going to leave for the night. Mari looks up at me tiredly as I smile and tell everyone goodbye as Mari puts my guitar down and hugs everyone goodbye.

His Heart Song ~Lukanette~Where stories live. Discover now