Nino's Introduction:

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      Sup dudes and dudettes, the name's Nino Lahiffe. I'm 16 and a wicked Dj as the school dances and such. I am a Junior with a beautiful girl by my side through thick and thin no matter what life throws our way.

      My Best Friend's are Adrien Agreste who I have known since we were Three. Even though he was off with his other friend more soon, we started hanging out more, and I always wondered where the other one went... Anyways my other Best Friend is Marinette Dupain-Cheng because she is my Girlfriend's Bestie so we just became friends as well.

      Well, that's not my only friends soon enough I would make another Best Friend; who is just as in love and invested in music as Marinette, and I are. It would be awesome to have someone to talk and play music with, not that Mari is a bore or anything, she is just timid.

      I believe HE could make her shyness fade and then she could sing in crowds. Well, I hope anyway because I may have sorta in the mix of developing an extraordinary soundtrack for Mari that goes along well with her voice.

      Anyways we are done with our introductions ... ahh. NEXT...

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