Christmas Date!!

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~HUGE TIME SKIP TO CHRISTMAS brought to you by Marinette's Macaroons~You're Welcome!!

Luka's POV:

      It was finally Christmas... Well like Two days until Christmas and I can't wait to spend it with Mari. This will be my first Christmas spending it with the love of my life, BUT I have no idea what to get her, so I am hanging with my sister to help me figure something out.

      "Ugh, Jule's I have no clue of what to get Mari... I am official stressed the fuck out, it has to be perfect and not simple; she deserves so much more than that," I sigh and rub my eyes.

      She laughed a little, "Calm down Luka, it'll all turn out fine she isn't picky, nor does she ask for much. It doesn't have to be expensive nor high quality; she isn't like that. You could get her stuff for her designs or needles, baking things, a simple kiss would satisfy her better than any gift, and just being with her is enough for her." She suggested, but I was too ambitious to listen to the little things. I wanted something amazing to give her and not something cheap and straightforward.

       We get to the most expensive mall I know and walk in with Jule's by my side shaking her head in disapproval. I saved up money from my little gigs with my band just for this occasion.

      We wandered around for a good 3 hours looking through the shops, but nothing stood out to me. I picked up something nice for her mother and father from two different stores. This was until I saw a jewelry shop, and everything clicked in my head. "I have the perfect gift... A promise ring," I whispered the last part as Jule's made a gasping sound.

      "Are you for real bro... That is a perfect idea oml why didn't I think of that?" I smirked, "Maybe because you were too busy thinking too little?" I chuckled as we headed towards the shop, now it's just picking the right ring.

      An hour later, I found the perfect one that not only just suit Mari but completes her delicacy. I bought it, and we headed home after they wrapped it up. I smiled at it, excited to give it to her within Two days.

      After we got back from the mall, I messaged Mari saying, 'Hey Sweet stuff, wanna go on a date if so I'll pick you up in half an hour for Dinner?' She replied instantly saying a quick 'Yes.' I jumped in the shower real quick after and get something casual on.

Mari's POV:

      YAY, CHRISTMAS!! I'm psyched to be spending it with my loving and adorable boyfriend LUKA!! I know the perfect present for him, it's expensive but lucky for me my allowance is limitless. Don't get me wrong I work very hard for my allowance and Imma spend it all on him this Christmas and his family of course.

      I only have Two days to get it done, but I am sure Jagged is willing to help me out. Yes I know Jagged Stone but who doesn't; the thing is I am his personal designer for all his Albums and his style of clothing. I messaged Jagged Stone saying, "hey Jagged I have a huge favor to ask, and I hope you say yes. You know how it's Christmas and all, I was wondering if you would be willing to help me with something. I want to give my boyfriend the best present I can give; he deserves nothing but the best. I was thinking that I could make a Custom-designed guitar with your signature on it and also since you have a concert on New Year's Day we could get a couple of VIP Passes. I promise to up my skills on your new designs.... PLEASE AND THANK YOU?" I sigh in relief when he messages back a "Rock on Mari absolutely I would love to help in any way, you got it just let me know when we should get started on this awesome guitar idea." This is going to be the best thing EVER.

      I smiled extensively and let him know we will start tomorrow because I got a text from Luka wanting to go on a date. I hopped into the shower real quick before he comes over to get me.

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