Hanging With Jagged!!

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Mari's POV:

      It was 7 AM, and I jumped right out of bed, excited to start making Luka's Present from scratch. I texted Jagged to let him know I was on my way to begin making the guitar.

      I got up, took a quick shower, and got dressed. I ran down the stairs almost tripping on the last step, but thanks to my dad, he caught me. "Thanks, Papa," I kissed his cheek and said I was off to Jagged Stone's place before he could ask why.

~Time Skip To Stone House~

      I was let in as Jagged came up to me and hugged me, "hey, Mari ready to start? Do you have a sketch of what you want it to look like?" I nodded and handed him the sketch I drew up last night before I went to bed.

      "I thought we could get the basics done and build up to the awesome designs?" I asked as I look down shyly. "Sounds like a plan!!" Jagged patted my shoulder softly as he leads me towards the workplace.

Jagged's POV:

      After Mari told me what she wanted to do for her Boyfriend, I was like Rock On. What she doesn't know is that I'm doing this all without any cost and that includes the tickets she wanted for my concert.

      Mari has done so much for me without asking anything in return, so I want to do this as a Thank You/Christmas present. When she got to my house, I hugged her, and she showed me the design of the guitar. "This is going to blow his mind, Mari, you are a genius!!" She smiled, and we got straight to work.

      As time passed on, she designed on the wood after I craved the pieces and sanded down the wood, so it was smooth. She Airbrushed the design of the new Album I will be performing on New Years that Mari design of course.

      After she finished airbrushing, I put the guitar together and tuned it up and strummed a little to make sure it sounded perfect. I smiled as we finished it off by polishing it so the design won't get ruined but not before I signed it. I also had Marinette sign it because she was also the creator.

      She was smiling non-stop as she admired our hard work. "This is incredible. We actually pulled this off I am so excited for tomorrow I'm not sure I will be able to sleep!!" I hugged her as I handed her a new Guitar case. "You can stop by tomorrow and pick up this after it dries and also the VIP Tickets will also be ready."

      She hugged me one last time thanking me profusely as I chuckled. Little does she know I have another trick up my sleeve when the concert comes around.

      We hung out a little longer just to disgusts what my attire plans are for the concert. After we strategize, we decided to call it a day and get some rest before the big day tomorrow. "Oh, Mari I want a video sent to me when he opens your present," I mentioned as she was walking out the door. She turned to me and smiled while nodding as she skips away.

Mari's POV:

      When I got home after a long day with Jagged, I was utterly exhausted. I smiled when I checked my phone to see Luka's 15 texts and 5 Missed calls. I texted him as my phone instantly starts to ring, which makes me jump a little.

      I answer the phone ----

M: Hey, Lu--


M: Luka calm down I told you I was going to be busy today. I'm sorry I didn't message you this morning but I was so excited to do what I was doing today and was out the door and on my way.


M: Darling, hello??

L: Sorry I was just so worried. I forgot you told me you had plans today.

M: [I sigh in the mic] Want me to come over to calm you down?

L: Hehe, about that I am already at your place look out your window.

      I take a peek out the window and see Luka waving at me. I smile as I wave him to come up as we hung up the phone. I open the window, and he climbs up thanks to a random ladder by my window.

      When he comes in, I engulf him a bear hug because I missed him so much. "Jezz, your freezing. Why in the hell did you come over this late?" I asked as he smiled and said, "If I didn't, I knew you would walk in the cold, and I wasn't going to have that." I smiled and kissed him gently as I lead him to my bed.

       "Might as well cuddle and get you warmed up yeah?? And then I will have my driver bring you home so you don't get sick or you could stay the night. It's up to you Popsicle." He chuckles at the nickname.

      "Yeah, you wish you could have my POPSICLE right now," He smirks as I blush a crimson red. I push him off the bed with a thud and giggled as he jumped on me and started to tickle me.

      He planted a kiss on my lips as he whispered against them, "I'll stay the night we'll keep each other warm." I smiled as I cuddled right up to him and he wrapped his arms around me tightly and protectively. "I missed you Babycakes," he said as I snuggled closer and said, " I missed you too, Popsicle."

A/N: Updates from now on are Sunday, Wednesday, with 2 chapter uploaded and possible Saturday with 1 chapter. Sorry I didn't update yesterday I was playing Borderlands 3 on my PS4 and just couldn't pry my eyes away I am a Gamer before a Writer. Not that any of you reading this are into games and wanna hear about this but just wanted to inform you all. BUT if anyone plays PS4 Online I can give you my G-Tag I can always have more friends.

Ps: Mari and Luka are going to have the same Birthday Dates just because it'll be easier and I have no clue when there's actually are.

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