Juleka To The Semi-Rescue!!

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A/N: Let me begin this by saying I am a stupid ass who put Juleka in the chapter First Fight!! By mistake because she wasn't in the date but let's just say she showed up at the perfect time when hell broke loose. Again My Apologize for the screw up.

Juleka's POV:

      When I walked into the cafe I saw Luka, Alya, Nino, Kagami, and eventually Adrien and Mari came out. I saw Mari was crying as she walked right up to Luka very upset. I was confused so I walked up behind them and listened.

      I was shocked for all that I heard, 'there is no way in Hell this can be true what the hell was Adrien talking about,' I thought to myself. After Mari ran out the door, I knew exactly where she was going.

      I turned to see my brother grabbing Adrien and yelling at him. I have never seen my brother so mad in his entire life. He explained everything to Adrien about his life for the time he went away. I could feel and see the guilt radiating off of him.

      I sigh, but then I felt a jolt as I looked up to see Luka staring at me. He looked frantic as he asks where Mari would go that he needed to see her and tell her the truth and explain to her what is really going on.

      I smiled because at least he isn't going to run away frustrated, but that he is going to go after the one person that truly makes him happy and completes him.

      I looked at Alya and nodded as we both explained where she would go when she gets upset. He thanked us and hugged me before running out the door. "Well that was something," I laughed a little with Alya.

      After that was over with I looked at Nino and Alya who were the last of the group date. "So, now what?" I asked as Nino shrugged and suggested, "maybe the movies?" We all burst out laughing due to the fact of what just happened, and we were off to watch a damn movie.

A/N: Simple but Effective... just a backstory for the other main characters. Next Chapters a Big Time Skip... Hope you're all enjoying my lovely Lukanette creation; going to spice things up more and more as this book progresses.

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