Chapter 01

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"Amelia! I'm leaving." Amanda yelled from the living room.

Amelia kissed her teeth and rolled her eyes and just ignored her mother's calls. Hoping she's just leave her alone. But when she heard footsteps coming towards her room, she knew that any kind of peace she was hoping for just went out the window, so she prepare for the nagging that was on its way.

"Amelia. Didn't you hear me calling you?" Her mother asked once she got to Amelia's bedroom door.

"Yes. I heard." Was her monotonous reply.

"So you heard me calling and you didn't answer?" She asked.


She took a deep breath and sat beside Amelia on the twin sized bed. Usually she would give her a hard time about her attitude and the way she talked to her. Amanda would probably try to slap Amelia as much as she was 22 years old, but that wasn't a normal situation.

"I know you don't want me to go on the road but I have to if we want to keep living here." She said trying to coheres her into seeing things her way.

"No you don't need to do this, you just want to, I'm the one paying the bills and putting food in the house so that you don't have to do what you do. But you do it anyway. So go ahead and do what you want but I won't be here when you come back drunk and smelling like sex." Amelia told her trying to keep her emotions in check, "You can leave now."

Amanda rose from the bed and took her leave. Seconds after she left the room Amelia listened for the door to close. When it did, she took up her phone and called her best friend, Kristen.

Kristen Kross and Amelia had been friends since high school. They met when Kristen's dad died. They were in second form and Amelia found her crying in an empty classroom, she didn't want to bother her, but Amelia couldn't just leave her by herself, so she went to see if she could help. And as faith would have it, Amelia knew exactly what Kristen was going through since her own father died a year before. Sorrow being the one thing they had in common, they talked to each other about what it was like and  have been inseparable since.

"What?" Kristen ordered once she answered the phone in a manner that suggested that she was annoyed. She was normally a cool and level headed person, not easily drawn out. She was very protective when it came to her friends and family, but when she answered the phone so curtly, Amelia knew something was wrong.

"What crawled up your ass and died?" Amelia asked laughed trying to lighten her best friend's bitterness.

"I'm sorry Aj. Mom had just been up my ass about school and wanting me spend more time with the family." Kristen complained.

Rubbing the pain away from her temple she replied, "You know Tamara just wants what's best for you. You should be glad that she actually cares about you." 

She took a deep breath," I know but she can be really annoying and I just want to relax sometimes."

 "Come over, and bring some Chocolate." She told her.

"Aiite, I'll be there in about 15 minutes."

Twenty minutes later Kristen showed up at Amelia's house as promised.

"What's with the luggage?" She asked pointing to the unwanted guest Kristen brought along with her.

"I didn't have a choice, since I wasn't going to spend the night at home, mom suggested I at least spend it with my sister. It's a part of that family bonding thing I was telling you about" She said and pushed her way passed Amelia and head to the kitchen. "Be nice." She added after second thought.

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