Chapter 19

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I didn't know what day it was. Time seemed to have escaped my grasp. I didn't know how long I had been in bed for, all I knew was that I was officially an orphan. First, it was my dad, and now my mom left me too. I knew that she hadn't exactly been mom of the year, I doubt she would have even made mom of the week, but she was still my mom. And as much as I tried to ignore it, I still loved her.

Knock knock.

It was Michael. He knew that I wasn't going to get up, it was just a warning that he was coming in. Ever since I found out about my mother's death, he has been so kind and understanding about everything. He allowed me to wallow for as long as I'd like as long as I ate the meals he brought up. I wanted nothing more then to throw the food in his face but I needed to eat if I wanted my babies to survive.

"How are you feeling today?" Michael asked as if I was just getting over a flu.

"I'm fine." I said after taking a sip of the ginger tea he brought me. He took his usual seat beside me on the bed with the breakfast tray between us. It was weird that from the moment I got the news I could only stand to be around Michael. Kristen and Josh had come by a few times but I couldn't even look at them. Not to mention Etana and Jermaine.

He looked at me with sympathetic eyes, "You know everyone is worried about you. You should at least talk to kristen and let her know your alright."

I ignored him. It's what I've been doing for who knows how long. He stayed with me for a couple more minutes. He didn't try to make conversation and he didn't try to tell me that everything would be alright and I appreciated that.

The day had passed away unknowingly to me as I slept. "Amelia you need to get up." Michael said shaking me from my slumber.

"What?" I groaned half asleep.

"We. Need. To. Leave." He said emphasizing each word as he pulled the sheet off my body.

With my eyes still closed I whined, "Why, I'm comfortable."

He didn't waste any time trying to explain the situation, he just scooped me up, as if I weighed nothing, bridal style and proceeded to take me out of the room.

I wanted to protest and to kick and scream but he held too tight to allow any kind of movement and with his hand over my mouth my screams became a muffled cry. I wanted to try harder to get him to let me go, but since I was now fully awake I realized the tension in the environment. The air thick and cold, the night eerily silent.

Michael stood at my bedroom door for what seemed like eternity only to hear whispers travelling through the halls of the penthouse. Still trapped in Michael's arms, I had the privilege of seeing the wheels turning in his head up close.

After searching my eyes thoroughly to ensure that I wouldn't do anything stupid screaming to alert whomever of our location he slowly removed his hand from my mouth while gently placing me on my feet. He looked at me directly and placed a finger on his lip telling me to be quiet as I followed him slowly out into the hall.

Only by following michael did I realize that he had a knapsack on his back. We were headed away from the kitchen and towards his bedroom, a side of the penthouse I'd never been before.

Moving as stealthily as we possibly could, we made it to the end of the hall only to run into three big armed men about the same size as Grizzly one and Grizzly two.

Before they had a chance to see either of us Michael backtracked a bit while simultaneously keeping me behind him. It was then that I truly realized just how much bigger than me he was.

"Did the boss give you the layout to this place?" Asked one of the ruffians in a somewhat small voice.

There was a moment of silence before the other one spoke up, "Cole couldn't get his hand on anything concrete. Just know that we find Mickey, we take him in and we kill whichever bitch he's with."

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