Chapter 08

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At that moment Amelia knew she would have been better off with a murderer. Kristen was so irate that steam was practically coming out of her ears. And the fact that she sat close enough to hit her didn't make things any better. Kristen demanded to know what happened when Amelia went to visit Michael and she demanded that Amelia tell her everything down to the last detail. She needed answers and if Amelia was smart she would give it to her.

"Your step sister is sleeping with him. I didn't want to tell you because I know you'd get upset with her." Amelia told her almost immediately. She was completely defenceless when it comes to face to face confrontations with Kris. If it were anyone else, she would have told them off, but not kris, not her best friend and Kristen knew this.

"I don't understand your need to protect my relationship with her. She crossed a line, she could have slept with anyone else. Why did she have to choose Michael when she knows he's your baby's father?" Kristen was getting angry.

"It doesn't really matter, it's not like he's going to be a constant I'm my or the baby's life." Amelia admitted begrudgingly.

Catching the tone in my voice, she looks at me sharply, "What do you mean by that?"

"It means he doesn't think the baby is his and he wants nothing to do with either of us." By this I was sitting with my back against the headboard and playing with the sheet that is spread across my body.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Kristen asked her voice broken with concern.

"Because I needed some time to think things over. I needed a plan of action since Conroy stole all the food in the house and my mother is with him, plus I've been feeling like hell. Morning sickness is no joke."

"You need to get rid of that man. He can't keep coming here, especially since your going to have a baby." She advised, "Have you said anything to your mother?"

"He's hostile, I would need to call the police to get him out and you know how it'll be if people see the police at my door. And no I haven't told her. I can't bring myself to." Amelia said then got up to go to the the bathroom.

When she got back Kristen had a glass of milk in her hands. Amelia smiled at the gesture as she crawled back into bed. She took the glass from her hand and was about to take a sip when I remembered what she read online, "This milk isn't pasteurized."


"I read online that I shouldn't drink unpasteurized milk. It contains bacteria that are harmful to the baby." She informed Kristen.

"I see your taking this mothering thing seriously. I'm going to the kitchen and I'm going to check the box, then I'm going to throw it out." Amelia smiled and nodded her approval. When Kristen got of the bed, Amelia made herself comfortable by snuggling further into the warmth of the bed.

"I drank the milk." Kristen declared dramatically as she opened the door. "It's unpasteurized, but it was delicious."

Amelia giggled because of Kristen's dramatic behaviour. "What else should I be aware of?" She asked sincerely.

Recalling what she had read the other day, Amelia recited it to Kristen and it was obvious that Kristen was actively making an effort to remember it all because of the way her brows pull together as she concentrates. Once Amelia told her all she could, they talked for hours and once the fatigue passed, they  went grocery shopping since Amelia had nothing to eat. With the new information about what to and what not to eat they were reading the labels of everything they got their hands on.

"Have you spoken to Jessica?" Kristen asked as she searches for the pasteurized eggs, thankful Amelia's aversion to eggs didn't last long.

"No. I haven't even seen her since I caught her at Michael's." She couldn't help the animosity that seeped into her words, at the memory of them together.

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