Chapter 06

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"You've got to be kidding me." Jessica laughed humourlessly.

"Do you think this is funny?" Kristen asked, slightly irritated that her sister is taking the situation for a joke.

"Of course it is. She can't be seriously feeling sorry for herself when she's pregnant for the richest and most powerful man in Winchester." She said with disbelief.

"This is not about the money Jess." Kristen forcefully laced her words with patience, "she is very ambitious, she was going to go to collage in September. By that time her baby bump will be on full display, they won't accept her when she's pregnant. Not to mention she works at a night club, do you honestly think they'll keep her once they find out she's pregnant?"

"So what, who cares about school or work, she's just secured herself a solid future by getting knocked up." Jessica retorted with a bit of jealousy covered with disdain. "She could at least be glad about that." She huffed, failing to understand the woos of the ambitious.

"You need to be careful with your next set of words Jessica Maria Carmichael because I swear you won't like the outcome." Kristen threatened.

"Yeah, whatever." Jessica said while rolling her eyes.

"Do we have anymore chocolate?" Amelia asked as she got up from Kristen's lap.

"Yeah. I'll go get it for you." She then did what she said she was going to do. When Kristen got back she handed over the chocolate and watched her eat it without blinking. Chocolate was definitely what the doctor ordered. She felt immensely more in control of her emotions. 

"When are you planning on telling Michael you're pregnant?" Kristen inquired.


"Why not?" She asked softly.

"Because... I don't know, I just don't want to tell him yet."

"OK I understand." Kristen sympathized.

"Well that makes one of us because frankly I can't wrap my head around it." Jessica butted in. "If he's your baby's father, you should tell him. Unless, he isn't and you don't know who the..."

"Jessica enough." Kristen said effectively cutting her off. "You've said enough now." Kristen rarely ever gets angry, especially at her sister and that's the closest to real anger she'd experienced in a while, usually calms down quickly. After taking a few deep breaths, she asked her sister to leave the room so that they could talk without any further interruptions. But despite being told to leave, Jessica didn't move an inch, being the stubborn person she was and knowing that the first outburst was just a warning. All she did was fold her arms over her breasts and said nothing.

When Kristen felt positive her sister wasn't going to say anything, she continued. "I know what I'm going to ask you may come out wrong, but I need you to understand that I must ask this, as your best friend..."

Before she even finished arranging her words into coherent sentences, Amelia knew what she was going to ask and understood why she felt she needed to be the one to ask it. So to spare her, Amelia answered, "No Kristen, I'm not going to get an abortion."

"Oh thank god." She said through one loud relieved sigh. "I was scared you were going to say yes because I'm really looking forward to being an aunt."

That statement earned a small giggle from Amelia. "I wonder what I'm going to do when this baby is born." She thought out loud. Only Kristen can make something as life changing as getting knocked up sound like fun.

"Don't worry about anything right now. We have time to sort things out. I'm sure nine months is a lot of time."

She took a deep breath and exhaled, "I think I'm going to tell Michael the news tomorrow before I go to work, I don't think I'll be able to keep it a secret for too long."

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