Chapter 11

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When Amelia left the room, she had no idea what to do or where to go. Her mind was in shambles and her body was shaking uncontrollably. Disoriented and confused, she headed straight for the living room. Angry, was what she felt when she saw her mother laying on the couch where she had left her. Had she just listened to what Amelia tried to tell her over the years, none of this would have happened.

Amelia went over to her mother, checking once again to make sure she was alright, but the same worry that over took her earlier was the same concern that grabbed hold of her now. She didn't know what to do. Amelia thought she needed to take her to the hospital but she didn't drive and at that moment, she had no idea where her phone was.

Unsure of what to do when someone she loved was dying on her watch, she examined Amanda's body to see if there was any clue as to why she was still unconscious. 

After finding nothing but her bruised head and old injuries that Conroy has caused, she became desperate and started to shake Amanda's shoulders, but to no avail. Amelia sat beside her with tears running down her cheeks. She was all Amelia had left and she could afford that to let her go.

"Amelia, we need to leave, now." This came from Michael who was looking at her, just outside the living room with a bag clutched in his hand with bruised knuckles.

For a quick moment she debated whether or not to go with him. But seeing as there was a man probably weighing two hundred pounds hopefully laying unconscious in my room, who didn't like her at all and would likely want to take his anger out on her for getting his ass kicked. And the fact that, her mother was fading quickly, she made the decision to go with him. 

"We need to take her to the hospital, she's hardly breathing and she barely has a pulse." She informs him with a desperate air to her words. 

In two large steps Michael was standing over Amanda. He checked her pulse to confirm what Amelia had said. He handed her the bag before scooping Amanda up in his arms bridal style. He then strode out to the car, with Amelia close behind, and place Amanda in the back seat. Quickly they drove to the nearest hospital. 

Once at Malfour's Memorial Hospital, the doctors attended to her immediately. They had her on a gurney, and pushed her into a vacant room where they checked her pulse and asked what happened.

"I'm not entirely." Amelia admitted, "I came home from work about an hour ago and found her on the couch like that."

"Was there anyone else there with her?" The doctor asked, with a clipboard in his hand.

"Yes. Her boyfriend and I'm sure he caused this."

"Is she allergic to or taking any medication?"

She shook her head no but then added, "She's on drugs though."

At this the doctor perked up, "Do you know what kind?"

"No, but I assumed it was coke since it's white and powder like."

With that he nodded his head and told the attending doctors to keep her hydrated. After Amanda was stabilized, the doctors realized that Amelia had some bruises of her own and offered to tend to her wounds.

When the doctor, who's name is Chan, asked her what happened to her, Amelia had no choice but to tell the truth, because she wanted to make sure nothing was wrong with her baby. After making the necessary checks, Dr. Chan determined that everything was good, she was just a bit shaken up and would need some rest. He also told her that in light of the past events, they would need to send the police to her house to check question Conroy. Normally she would freak out the people in her neighbourhood and what they would think about the police being there. But she was too tired and her safety means more to her than what people think. So she agreed.

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