Chapter 16

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The next day Michael came knocking on Amelia's door telling her she needs to get up. Amelia thought that if she just put the pillow over her head and ignored him, he'll go away, she was wrong. When Michael realized that there was no movement on the other side of the door, he went to take her out bed himself. 

Amelia's only protest was a groan. As much as she wanted to put up more of a fight, Michael was very comfortable, so against her better judgement she snuggled closer and listened to his quickening heartbeat.

All too soon, he put her down on an ottoman in the bathroom. "Why did you bring me in here?" Amelia asked her voice groggy with sleep while rubbing her eyes.

"You need to get ready," Michael said while putting toothpaste on her toothbrush. "We are leaving in an hour."

With her body still reeling from the aftermath of sleep, she asked Michael about where they were going, but he didn't answer. She was too consumed with thoughts of going back to her cloud-like sheet to argue about the lack of a response. So as if on autopilot she got ready for the day.

Once Amelia got out the she shower she felt like a new woman and knew that she definitely needed to get some answers before she went anywhere with him.

Downstairs, there was a huge breakfast waiting to be eaten but no one was in sight. For an instant Amelia's mind wondered to Michael and if he had eaten already. The food looked untouched so she decided that he hadn't. Once Amelia stared eating Michael appeared talking on his phone as per usual. In passing, he spared her a look of approval and told her to meet him by the door when she was finished. 

At the door Amelia saw Michael barking orders to whoever was on the other end of the phone. She realized that he was getting frustrated by the way the wrinkles in his forehead deepened, the very same way it does when she doesn't do as she's told. 

When Michael got off the phone, she handed him a muffin she brought for him. "What is this?" He asked suspiciously.

Rolling her eyes at his suspicious behaviour she replied, "It's called food, you know the thing you put in your stomach so you don't fall flat on your face."

He just stood there with a bewildered look on his face. He was trying to figure out why he felt the way he does when she so much as looks at him. Not coming to any conclusions, he took a bite of his muffin then grabbed her by the hand in order to guide her to the car, not because he needed to feel her skin on his. Or so he told himself until he actually believed it.

Once they were in the car Amelia asked one again where they were going and this time demanded an answer. "I'm taking you to the doctor." Michael said slowly.

The blood in Amelia's body immediately runs cold the second the word 'doctor' left Michael's lip. "What do you mean your taking me to the doctor?" Amelia asked perplexed.

"You need to get a check up. I should have taken you sooner after everything that happened but I had to make sure everything was in order first.

"No." Amelia stated.

"Look, it's alright to be scared, but trust me, You don't need to worry." He placed his hand over hers before driving off.

Amelia had no idea where they were or even where they were going but she couldn't bring herself to care, all she knew was that she was going to the hospital and the flashbacks were wreaking havoc on her senses. Michael could feel the nervous energy radiating off of her. He wanted so badly to hold her and tell her what she needed to hear but he didn't know what that was. All he could do was make sure that everything was in place for when they got there.

After what feels like forever in Amelia's mind, the car comes to a stop in front of a low rising apartment building. Taking a look around her surroundings, Amelia realized that they were in the town of where ever they were on the grid. The streets were busy with people going about their everyday lives, while her life was constantly being turned upside down. "Where are we?" Amelia asked.

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