Chapter 12

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To say that things were awkward would be an understatement. Sitting in the luxurious living room of the Hanovers was a once in a lifetime opportunity, but it was also an opportunity Amelia could live without if it undoubtly came with this amount of tension.

Michael was sitting beside her on the couch, while his parents, Michelle and Miguel Hanover sat opposite to them. Michael had told them about the events of the last couple of hours. His mother, Michelle seemed somewhat concerned but confused while his father, Miguel wasn't the least bit interested.

"Is this why you brought her here?" Miguel Hanover asked with disdain in regards to Amelia, "because someone tried to kill her?" When Michael didn't answer, he continued, "Bring her to the police. This has nothing to do with us."

Looking his father in the eye, something many people have trouble doing, Michael said, "It actually does concern us father, or me, rather."

With a blank expression on his face, Miguel rose an eyebrow as if to say 'Explain yourself.'

After taking a deep steady breath, Michael said, "She's carrying my baby."

A small gasp came from Michelle who has been quiet up to that point. Miguel's expression however, did not change. It was the expression of a man who had seen great things both good and bad and was not easily taken by surprised.

"Son, I need to speak to in private." Miguel announced before getting up and leaving without so much as a backwards glance because he expected his orders to be followed, which they were because a second after his father rose, so did Michael.

"What have you gotten yourself into?" Was the first thing that left Miguel's mouth when both him and Michael were safely inside his office.

"I know this looks bad," Michael said while taking a seat in one of the chairs reserved for meeting like this, "but I have it under control."

Without so much as a raise of his eyebrow, Miguel asked, "What is your plan?"

"I'll take her to the guest house. It had more than enough security to keep her safe while I investigate the shooting and the death of her mother."

"Listen, I know that you are going to do what you feel is right, but don't forget that we have a plan in motion. You can't afford to screw things up now just because you couldn't keep it in your pants."

Meanwhile, in the living room Michelle was exhibiting signs of a happy grandmother to be. All the nervous energy flowed right out of Amelia when she realized that Michelle was a sweetheart. When the men left them to talk, Michelle found herself beside Amelia asking general questions about her and the baby's health.

"How far along are you?" Michelle asked.

Slightly hesitant, Amelia responded, "Seven weeks."

"Aww. It's still a little bean inside you." And with that they both smiled.

Soon after Michelle was sharing her pregnancy stories with Amelia until the men came back from their mini meeting. "We should go." Michael said to Amelia before leaning over to kiss his mother on her cheek.

"You should take the jet." Miguel offered.

Michelle rose from her seat beside Amelia to address her son, "Where are you guys going so soon?"

Michael placed another kiss on his mother's forehead before saying, "Don't be too upset now mother, we are just going to the guest house." 

She looked at him with wide eyes, "Which one?" To which her husband replied "The guest house."

Michelle then groaned, "But that's so far and I want to be able to see Amelia and the baby."

"Mother, you can always visit. The jet is always on standby."

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