Chapter 10

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Walking on a moving bus is not an easy feat, but Amelia made it possible since she wasn't keen on standing all the way home. The bus ride was very quick seeing as it was almost day break and the roads were almost completely deserted, so there was no traffic to slow the bus down. The only other vehicles that were visible, was another bus that went to the neighbouring community, three cars, a delivery truck and a motorcycle.

Amelia got off the bus at the bus stop three houses away from hers, and walked the rest of the way.

When she got to the house and pushed the key in the lock she realized that something was off but as tired as she was, she didn't give it much attention, opting to look into it when she got some rest. Once she closed the door behind her, the sound of the TV drew her towards the living room, where her mother laid. The only light came from the TV which shone directly on Amanda's swollen cheek.

Amelia didn't need to know what happened to know that it had everything to do with Conroy. She was torn between desperately wanting to go over to take care of her and wanting her to learn that whatever she's doing isn't going to take her anywhere but the hospital. Against her better judgement Amelia went to get a blanket from the closet down the hall and a small hand towel. She draped the blanket around her, and warmed the towel to put it on her cheek. Amanda didn't even flinch. For a split second Amelia started worrying, she couldn't be dead. Using her index and middle finger, she touched the base of her neck to check for a pulse and found that she hardly had one. 

It was like a weight had settled over her. Her chest grew tighter and her heart felt like it grew twice it's size. This wasn't the first time that Amelia found Amanda out cold, but this had felt different and that made scared Amelia because she didn't know what it meant.

Not willing to take any chances, she rushed to her room to change and call Kristen so that she could drive them to the hospital.

Immediately upon entering the room, she took off my blouse before doing anything else. All of a sudden the temperature inside the room rose to an unbearable level. Amelia realized that she left her bag with her phone downstairs, so she walked over to the light switch which was beside my dresser, so that she could locate the house phone to make the call. As she was about to flip the switch a flicker in the shadows caught her attention. Quickly she turned on the lights so she could see what it was. But it wasn't a what, but a who. And the who was Conroy.

"I thought I told you not to come here again." Amelia demanded, putting up a façade.

He rose from his seat in the corner and she straighten to my full height in order to look taller than she actually was. Unfortunately, her five feet five inches had nothing on his six feet one six inch. He took a frightening step forward while Amelia took a deep breath and felt for anything on the dresser that may be able to do some damage if it come to the point where she would have to defend herself. Her hand came across something hard and cold.

"You need to leave." She said to him, somehow managing not to make her voice crack.

Another step forward.

Gripping the object, she moved off of the dresser and tried to get to the door but Conroy stood in her way. Now they stood nose to chest.

"Move." Amelia ordered while taking a step back so that she didn't feel so small looking up at him. He then held her around her waist to stop her from retreating. In a moment of panic, she swung the object at his jaw, that was when she came to realize that the object was a jewelry box her father had given her many birthdays ago.

All he did was chuckle and wipe the blood that was at the corner of his mouth. His eyes darkened as they scanned her up and down in a lascivious manner. She felt disgusted by the way he was looking at her but what had her quivering in fear, was the fact that he didn't seem the least bit concerned that Amelia had caused him to bleed.

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