Chapter 09

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Amelia woke to the sound of pots and pans banging. As she rose from the bed she felt the now familiar aches in her body. The rising of the sun meant that her day off was up and she had to go to work in the evening. When she looked into the full-length mirror she saw that her lower abdomen was swollen.

I thought I had more time. She groaned internally. Her belly was growing faster than she expected which meant that her time at the Palace lessened.

Suddenly there was another loud bang, which reminded her why she was up at seven o'clock in the first place, when her body desperately wanted to go back to bed. As quick as her legs could carry her, she made her way towards the kitchen. "You know I would hate to see you lose that key, God forbid you having to knock in order to co-"

The words died in her mouth when her jaw hit the floor as she realise that it wasn't Kristen but her mother, Amanda reeking havoc in the kitchen. There was a little voice in the back of her head screaming, she came back! She came back! Lifting her jaw from off the ground she encouraged the words to form on her tongue. She had to be gentle, so the she didn't scare her off.

"I didn't expect to see you here again after what happened last night." Amelia stated as she made her way over to where she left her purse the night before.

"Look, Amelia I know I haven't been a good mother to you since your dad died, but I'm trying to do better, for you."

Amelia didn't know if she should jump or scream or both. Her mother finally chose her, but after years of being constantly let down the pessimist in her grew, and know it wouldn't allow her to get her hopes too high, thought she was still hopeful.

"We'll see how it goes."

"I'll make you some breakfast." Amanda offered.

Feeling too lazy to object, Amelia let her do what she pleased. At first glance, they looked like a happy little duo. It's upon closer inspection that one sees the apprehensive way the daughter watches the mother, as if she couldn't blinked or her elusive mother would disappear, leaving her alone to face the world on her own. It was sad that the woman Amelia knew as her mother was no longer around. Amanda said that she wanted to change, that she wanted to do better for Amelia, though it was a beautiful thought, Amelia knew better. Amelia knew that her mother just wasn't strong enough. Amanda lost the war a long time ago, she just can't admit it to herself  but Amelia knew that the war was lost, she had witnessed the fall over and over again.

Amelia tried to help, she tried with all her heart, but she can no longer devote that part of herself to her mother. She was all worn out and tired and she had a baby to give her attention to now. 

"Let me make you some coffee, you look like you could use some."

"Make it decaf or you can make some tea instead." Said Amelia.

Amanda did as she was asked and more. She made breakfast and they ate in silence, she washed the dishes when they were finished and even cleaned the kitchen.

Amelia spent the day lounging around the house while Amanda did all the chores she usually does before going to work. It was good because she was able to get some extra rest before her shift at the Palace.

After getting herself together for work, she made sure to tell her mother that she was serious about what she said the night before about not wanting her boyfriend at the house. She nodded her head in understanding. "You'll make a wonderful mother." Amanda praised as Amelia opened the door.

She froze. "How did you know?" Amelia asked her hand laid protectively over her growing stomach.

A small sad smile crossed her lips before she said, "I'm not as oblivious as you think, I do notice the small changes in your habits, you were never a tea person."

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