Chapter 04

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"Are you sure this was where you put it, because it's not in here." Amelia queried with half her body inside Kristen's closet. Amelia and Kristen were in Kristen's room. It was their movie night but as per their ritual they spend a couple hours doing whatever until it was late enough to watch scary movies.

"Of course I did, where else would I put it."

"How the hell should I know? It's your room." Amelia exasperated

She was just sitting on her bed, texting, not giving Amelia any attention. "Are you even trying to help me find my jacket?! I lend you my Jacket, you don't know where you put it and now I need it but I have to look for it myself because your too busy texting some guy." Her level of irritation grew  exponentially at that moment. It became unbelievably high, even for her.

Knowing that Kristen won't look in her direction no mater how irritated she got, she just sat on the floor and went through her news feed on Facebook. It wasn't as popular as it used to be but Amelia didn't really care, she wasn't not a big social media fan so so she didn't see the need to have an Instagram account if she wasn't going to use it She hardly used Facebook at it was. Kristen likes to say that she was an old soul.

"Hey Kris, are you going to Amelia's tonight, because I was thinking that maybe we could go and see a movie or something." Says Kristen's younger sister as she entered the room.

"Wait," I said looking up from my phone. "Did you just call me Amelia? It sounds weird coming from your lips Carmichael." 

It was a revelation to know that Jessica called her by  her Christian name. Ever since they've known each other, she's been taken to calling Amelia by her surname. She didn't mind though,  she understood that it was just Jessica's way of being impersonal. Now Amelia know  that she calls her by her Christian name when she wasn't around and she didn't know how to feel about it. If anything, it made her question what this new piece of information meant for their relationship, if you could call what they have a relationship.

Before she could defend herself Kristen cut in to answer her question. "Actually we were going to have a little sleep over, do you think we can postpone it?" She asked casually.

"Oh, never mind." Jessica dismissed with a hint of disappointed that Amelia picked up on. She wanted to say something about it but she was afraid she was reading too much into it , and didn't say anything. Since Kristen didn't say anything and she was an expert in picking up these little things, Amelia thought better of it.

"You can join us if you if you want." Kristen offered her little sister so that she doesn't feel left out.

Upon hearing the offer that was made, Amelia groaned. It's not that Amelia really had a problem with her staying, it's just that, she didn't want her to stay. All she's going to do was annoy everyone to death and that wasn't good since she's been more irritable than usual, so dealing with Kristen's bratty little sister was going to be one of the hardest things she'll ever have to do.

"Damn it Johnson, contain your excitement, it's embarrassing." Jessica said sarcastically as she took of a jacket that looked oddly familiar and sat on the bed beside Kristen.

Ignoring her statement Amelia pleaded with her best friend. "You know all she's going to do is pick on me all night, right."

"No she won't, she'll play nice." She told me while giving a pointed look to her sister.

"Don't worry," the younger girl said while placing her hands in the air as a sign of surrender, "the claws are in."

Again, her comments were ignored. Amelia pulled herself up from off the ground and went over the part of Kristen's closet allotted to her. "Kris, did I leave my green t-shirt over here? I can't seem to find it at home." Amelia asked while looking for said shirt.

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