Chapter 15

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It's been days and Michael hasn't said a word in English to Amelia since he found out that she had sex with his younger brother. He didn't even wait for an explanation, he was just pissed. It was like the whole Laura situation was repeating itself. And he hated that he was now on the other end.

Since he couldn't talk to his brother about it because he was on a mission, he called his best friend and right hand man, Jermaine, to come over. As expected his wife, Etana came along with him. Michael didn't mind. Etana was like a sister to him and he was always happy to see her. They were sitting in the living room when Amelia came down for breakfast.

As soon as he saw her, Michael's demeanor changed immediately. The smile he was once wearing disappeared and he became stoic. For a fraction of a second, Amelia was taken aback by the new faces she saw. With an unconcerned air she made her way over to the fridge to get some eggs for her breakfast, while trying desperately to listen to the now hushed conversation, which Amelia assumed was about her.

Realizing that no mater how hard she listened she wouldn't hear anything, she decided to give it a rest and focus on her food.

She was whisking the eggs and humming when she realized that Etana was sitting on the other side of the island.

"Forgive my manners," She said politely, "My name is Etana Walsh, and that's my husband Jermaine."

Not wanting to be rude, Amelia introduced herself.

"So, how long have you known Mickey?" Etana pried.

"Not very." Amelia replied, deciding she wasn't going to play whatever game this was.

Etana shrugged off the attitude that was coming at her and continued talking. "How did you guys meet?"

"At the Moon Palace Hotel." Amelia answered without thinking.

With a sigh Etana said, "That sounds like him. It's his proudest venture. You know he build it from the ground up."

"Well that certainly makes a lot of sense." Amelia said mostly to herself.

"What makes sense?" Etana asked, getting more and more curious about Amelia the more spoke to her.

"It doesn't matter." Amelia stated.

Not wanting to be pushy, Etana let it rest and asked instead, "How long do you plan on staying here?"

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?" Etana asked yet again.

"It means I don't know." Amelia said getting irritated, which Etana didn't seem to notice.

"You and Mickey must be serious then."

Dropping the fork she was using to turn the bacon, Amelia turn to Etana with a deadly calm, "Serious about what?"

"Your relationship." Etana said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"We aren't in a relationship." Amelia Informed her.

"Of course you are? Why else would he bring you here?"

Having had enough of this interrogation, Amelia said, "I don't know. Maybe it's because someone sent multiple men with guns to open fire on my house. Maybe it's because those same men shot and killed my mother. Maybe it's because they're trying to kill me. Or maybe, just maybe it's because I am carrying his child and he thought this was a safe place for us until he figures out why the hell I'm a target." 

When she was finished with her rant, she realized that she caught the attention of everyone in the room. Etana was sympathetic, Jermaine was confused and Michael was as unreadable as ever. No longer hungry, she stormed to her room not paying either of them a second glance.

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