Chapter 03

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Over the next couple of days Amelia thought of nothing but Michael. She was convinced he didn't put his card in her pure if he hadn't meant for her to use it. Kristen felt the same way and has encouraged her to call him, but she just didn't have the nerve. What if he later regretted giving me his number? What if he really didn't want to see me again?  Were the thoughts going through her head. Because for all she knew, he could only want another round.

"Good morning honey." Came the voice of her mother, Amanda effectively bringing her out of her thoughts. Evidently Amanda brought home her boyfriend the previous night and he left early that morning, creating havoc in his wake. He was loud and disruptive every single time he came here. Amelia had said that she didn't like him and would appreciate it if Amanda didn't bring him there but, her efforts go unheard.

"Morning." She replied monotonously, not in the mood to pretend that they were a happy family.

"What's for breakfast?"


"Do we have syrup?"


As she took her breakfast from the stove, all that could be heard was the TV and the clatter of the pots in the kitchen. Once she has filled her plate, she went over to sit with Amelia on the couch.

"Are you still upset with me?" She asked almost timidly.

"No." Amelia replied, uninterested in whatever it is her mother had to say next.

"Then why do you sound like your still upset with me?"

After taking a deep breath, Amelia faced her, "I'm not upset with you anymore. Its tiring and I'm just tired." She told her truthfully.

She looked confused at her statement and asked if she hadn't gotten enough sleep. Usually Amelia would just brush off her question but that day was different. She couldn't understand why, but instead of brushing it under the rug like she normally does, she decided to tell her what was on my mind and how she felt.

"I'm tired of waiting for you to come home drunk or high, day after day. I'm tired of cleaning up after you. I'm tired of you selling your body so that you can get your next fix. I know you don't think I know what you have been up to, but I know and it makes me sick to think that this is where your life has boiled down to, and I'm sick and tired of picking up your slack. It's been eight years since dad died, you'd think a woman like you had the strength to pick herself up and try, try to get over it, try to heal, try to be there for your only daughter, but you can't do it or should I say you just won't, so why do I even bother with trying to help you? You know why because you are my mother and I want to see you get out of it. Because I knew dad would want me to look after you. But I can't help someone who won't even help themselves, so I'm done. I have other things to focus on, like finally going to collage to make something of myself so I don't end up losing what I have left of my self respect to you."

By the end of her rant tears were running down her face, it's been a while since she was so open to anyone, much less to her own mother and expressing herself may have just opened a dam. She returned to the movie she was watching as the tears silently roll down her cheeks. She just sat there, blinking away the tears that just won't stop flowing. Constantly blinking in order to clear her vision in order to see the TV. Amelia didn't want to talk to her, much less look at her, so when her presence got overwhelming, Amelia retreated to her bedroom.

A couple minutes later silent tears were still rolling down my cheeks, there was a knock at the door. "What is it?" She demanded, knowing it was her mother.

"There is someone here to see you." She said.

This caught her attention. It couldn't have been Kristen because she didn't need to be announced, she had a key and she'd just waltz right in. If it wasn't Kristen it wouldn't be Jessica because she's only here when Kristen is.

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