Chapter 18

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And for the next couple of weeks that's how it was. Monique and Michael waking me up at the most ungodly hour of the morning with their arguments. Apparently Monique had a problem with me staying here and made sure that everyone knew it but I didn't care. I was perfectly fine with the way things were between us, me ignoring her and she complaining about me to Michael.

Well that was until after one of her regular arguments with Michael, she came into the kitchen where I was minding my own business, and told me that I need to leave or she would take me out herself.

I for one wasn't about to indulge an over attached crazy bitch so I did what I was best at and ignored her. Not taking being ignored lightly, she grabbed me by my forearm, the way Michael had done to her a couple days before and tried to haul me from my seat.

The moment she touched me I lost my cool. I grabbed her braids and wrapped it around fist, which resulted in the immediate release of my arm and a scream to leave her lips. Pulling her close enough so that I didn't have to raise my voice I said to her as calmly as possible "You and Michael might be fuck buddies, but I am his baby's mother and I will not allow you to come and walk all over me as you please. Take notice that when your running your mouth off to Michael I mind my own business, and as of today I don't want to hear another word from you while I'm here. Do I make myself clear?"

She tried to nod her head, but because her hair was tightly wound around my fist, it was difficult so she settled for a throaty 'Yes'.

Once I released her, I saw that Michael had been standing to the side of the room with and odd look on his face, I didn't know how long he stood there but at that moment I didn't care. I was pissed and all I wanted was some food.

Later that day, Josh, Etana, Jermaine and Kristen came with me to see doctor Alfred. He was as kind as his usual self while he set up the sonogram machine. I had asked everyone to wait outside seeing as only one of them knew that I was having twins. I couldn't afford for them to report back to Michael.

Once again cool gel was applied to my steadily growing belly. The doctor placed the wand, which I had come to know was called a transducer probe, on my belly. It produces sound waves and receives echoes back.

He moved it around in a slow circular motion for a couple moments before I lost any kind of patience I pretended to have. "So, can you see them?"

I was in my seventh week, this should have been my first ultrasound but because of unfortunate events, it wasn't, but that didn't mean I was any less nervous. I prayed that they were in good health.

"Well," he started, "if you look right here, and here, you'll be able to see their heads." He said while pointing to the monitor.

I couldn't help but smile. "Well this one, measures six point seven millimeters and this other one here is a bit smaller at six millimeters flat." He explained.

The rest of the visit went great. They we're both showing good signs of growth that felt awesome. Doctor Alfred even gave me a print out of the ultrasound, I was in awe just looking at it. I had spent an extra five minutes just staring at the little life inside me before I had to hide them.

The ride was exhausting. They kept asking me questions and Etana wanted to see the picture of the ultrasound, and I had to lie and tell her that I didn't get one. She looked disappointed but didn't say much about it afterwards. Whenever I was asked a question I had to keep reminding myself that they only know about one of them.

I was sitting in the kitchen as per usual and Michael had just come in from wherever he was, dressed in one of his heart melting business suits.

"Josh told me you went to the see Alfred today."

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