Betrayed. Shocker

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I was flying high. I felt like I had won an Oscar or a Pulitzer.  Spending the day with Axl had given me butterflies and made my head spin. Not like the Nikki kind of head spin but

No. Already. Nonsense. I couldn't. But I found myself grinning like a jackass eating thistles.  I saw Nikki's car in the driveway and Tommy's. Great. I know what those two are up to. Drinking. Heroine. Ugh. I hated that.

My phone buzzed. I looked at it and didn't recognize the number. I opened it.

"Hey. Let me know you made it home okay. Axl".

I squealed. He really cared and was checking up on me. Did Nikki? Yes. No. Sometimes.

I texted back. "I'm home. Safe and sound. Harley". Like he didn't know  it was from me. Idiot.

I walked in and headed straight for my junk food cupboard. I love my junk food! My trainer may kill me but right now it's Doritos or death.

My phone buzzed again. Axl??? Nope. Another very special someone. I immediately texted back. I grabbed my Doritos,Pepsi and headed into the living room.

And, sure enough there was Nikki and Tommy high,drunk,all of the above.

"Hey". Nikki said. Odd. He's usually a little happier to see me. Tommy stood up or something close to it. "Hey Harley,I gotta go. See u tomorrow bro". Nikki nodded at him. I said goodbye. This was very strange. Usually he stuck around at least long enough to make lewd comments.

I sat down. Nikki stood in front of me.

"So, you worked with Guns N' Roses today". It was an accusation.

"Yes,  Nikki. They hired me to be in their video".

He smirked. Then looked angry.

"So, you screwing them all or just Axl".

What did he just say? Ok. Not ok with that. I got angry.

"Excuse me? How dare you ask me that"?

He slapped my Doritos out of my hand. Nobody touches my chips!

I was on my feet in a flash chips flying everywhere. This was not my day with food.

"Hey. Who do you think you are? Do not touch me like that again! I am not one of your Motley bitches"! I screamed.

"You cheating bitch"! Nikki screamed back.

Then, he hit me. He slapped me so hard my ears rung. It knocked me back half a step hitting the chair behind me.

First, pain. Next,anger. I lunged at him. I clawed his cheek, I am a girl after all, drawing blood. "Don't you ever hit me"! I screamed.

This only angered him further. He punched me right in the face. The pain shot through my entire head. I went down. I laid there for a moment stunned. I felt the taste of blood in my mouth.

"You were with Axl Rose!! The sworn enemy of my buddy Vince. This band sucks!! And no woman of mine will be around them"!!! He was screaming. He kicked the chair next to me than kicked me in my side. I fell down. What was going on? Nikki had a temper and became violent but never directed at me. Oh, no way was I going to put up with this.

I stood up and pain shot through my body.  I was shaking and trembling with fear and rage.

"Get out! Get out of my house now"! I screamed. I picked up a lamp and threw it at him barely missing his head. He ducked and grabbed it and threw it back. I ducked.

"Get out!!! I never want to see your ugly face again! Get out or I will kill you"! I was screaming like a mad woman.

"Oh, I'm going. You're a filthy whore and a stupid bitch"! He turned and grabbed his jacket. He yanked it off the back of a chair so hard it caused the chair o hit the floor with a loud crash. I jumped 20 feet in the air.

And, a condom fell out. I lost it.

"Who's the cheating bitch"? I spat at him.

He stopped,turned and glared at me. His eyes turned mean,hard,cold.

"That's cause you're a lousy lay but not to worry Bella's not. She's better than you anyday".

Then, he turned on his heel and stormed out. Bella? My best friend Bella? He's screwing her.  No. I slumped to the floor in pain. No. Bella can't be. She wouldn't. Was he just trying to hurt me?

I didn't know what to do. I was in pain. Physically and emotionally. My body ached everywhere and my heart was broke. I can't believe Nikki just did this. I can tolerate a lot but not this. I knew in my heart of hearts, we were over.

I just laid on the floor and sobbed.


Hey,thanks for reading! This is my first write. I hope you like it. Comments are welcome! Thanks!!

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