Chapter 7

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"The transfers will be arriving in groups throughout the day. Once they arrive, each of you will give a tour of the school. You have to be quick but thorough as you give the tours, because of the amount arriving today," Ben smiles at all of us.

Evie, Carlos, Jane, and I have volunteered to give the tours. I did not know that we had to wake up so early though. I am in a foul mood from not getting enough sleep. The dream last helped nothing since I stayed up tossing and turning. Not caring what I look like this early in the morning, I have slipped my leather jacket and boots on again.

"Any questions?" Ben asks. We shake our heads no and he leaves us to it. Mei follows after him. I'm pretty sure that woman has not slept a wink since I met her a few weeks ago. She is always with Ben or standing outside the room he is in. Mal doesn't like her. Not because she is jealous or anything, but she thinks that Mei is too serious about her job. Mal and Ben can't even have a date without her breathing down their necks.

Evie is bouncing around in excitement. Carlos and Jane are chatting in their lovey dovey way. I stand off to the side waiting for the people to arrive. I am so not in the mood for chatting or dealing with love.

"Hey y/n," I push myself off the wall and turn to see Chip walking over.

"Hey. I thought I told you to take the day off," I say. Chip has been an awesome body guard. He is very vigilant, but is definitely not as smothering as Mei. He always has a joke ready when I'm starting to get into one of my moods. And the best part is his unconditional support. He's is physically and mentally a leaning post in life. I don't know how I functioned before he came. I notice him carrying a bag of food and a cup holder with drinks in it.

Chip looks embarrassed. "Yeah you did, but I wanted to come over and say hi before I go workout."

"You voluntarily get up this early?" I look at him in mock disgust.

"Early bird catches the worm," he grabs the only coffee out of the holder. The rest of them look like protein shakes and smoothies.

"Here this is for you," he hands it to me.

"Thank you. And I don't think this bird can catch anything right now." As if my body agrees, a big yawn escapes my mouth.

Chip chuckles. He reaches out. I freeze mid yawn. But he only smoothes down my messy, tangled hair. He has been doing little touches like that ever since he got here. Like grabbing my waist when I stumble, which is often, or when I have something on my face. And every time, it catches me off guard. I always scold myself for freezing. He's just trying to help.

"I can tell. You didn't even brush your hair." His usual happy go lucky smile shines. His hand stays where it is and plays with a lock of my hair.

"Be nice. Not everyone is meant for the morning. I like to consider myself a night owl. Instead of worms, I enjoy my mice," I poke a finger into his chest.

"You don't look like the type to go for bigger prey," his smile grows wider.

"If only you knew."

"What are you guys talking about?" Evie jumps in between us out of nowhere. I hadn't even realized it, but Chip and I were leaning in really close. Enough to almost be touching noses. I hastily pull back. Chip lets my hair fall back down and checks his watch.

"Not much, but I gotta go or the guys are going to beat me up for not giving them their breakfast," Chip waves and hurries to the gym. I watch him leave.

"Earth to y/n. Come in y/n," Evie shakes me a little.

"What? What?" My morning grouch appears again.

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