Chapter 9

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"I need your help with something."

"If it has anything to do with your schedule or room, then you can go to the office for help," the tour guide in me from this morning robotically says.

"No not that. I need to get my hook back," Harry sits down onto my bed and sighs. "They took my hook when we came over to Auradon. They stole anything that looked even remotely like a weapon from us. I lost my sword and hook. I don't care about the sword as much, but I need that hook back."

"Why is it so important? And why ask me for help? Asking the sister of the king is not exactly good planning on your part. I assumed that you were the type to go off and figure your problems out by yourself," I plop down beside him.

"Yeah I usually am, but I'm desperate," he pulls out the pocket watch that he was messing with earlier. "This and the hook are they only things I have left of my dad."

"Oh I'm sorry. Maybe if we explain to one of the teachers or Ben, they could let you have it back," I suggest.

He shakes his head. "No they wouldn't. The teachers can not allow a possible threat, and Ben doesn't like me anyway."

"Okay if you already have ruled that out, then what was your initial plan?"

"Steal it back," he glances at me.

"Why would you need me for that?"

"You might just know where they would stash all of our stuff. Plus you know the area better than I do. You could take me right to it."

"You want me to steal?" I look at him incredulously.

"You don't have up to consider it stealing if you don't want to. It's taking back what is rightfully mine."

"Thievery. Me?"

He chuckles darkly. "I don't know what I was thinking coming to ask for your help. Why would you help me? I have been a complete jerk."

"Yeah you have," I glare at him.

"What can I do to persuade you to help me? Seriously I'm desperate."

"Give me a reason why I should. I will decide based on that so you better have some good cards up your sleeves."

Harry shifts on my bed to . "Okay... Well you know when I said that the hook and the watch are the last things of my father?"

I nod in confirmation and he continues.

"I know you're probably thinking why you should you care about a really horrible villian's things, but to me my dad was my idol. He did murder a lot of people and steal, but I never knew that side of him when I was a kid. He would come home from his voyages bringing toys and bobbles for my sisters and I. He taught me how to use a sword and handle a ship. Albeit a small one. From a kid's perspective, who wouldn't want to live on the open seas and travel anywhere to your hearts content? I would stand at the dock waiting for his ship almost every night to return home." He smirks at the memories.

"After coming home from a four month excursion, he hugged me and kissed my sisters goodbye to set sail on yet another long journey. I begged him not to go, because he had only been home for a few days. He insisted on it though. He kept mumbling about being so close to capturing someone. I didn't know it then, but he was talking about Peter Pan. One night, I sat on the dock, just like any other night, waiting. We really weren't expecting him for about a couple of more months, but it had become a habit by then. I remember sitting at the edge skipping stones across the ocean. It wasn't working though, because the waves were rough that night. My sisters were playing in the sand all the way back at the beach, but I could hear their laughter as if they were right beside me. A giant shadow blocked out the last rays of the sun as I tossed a rock into the sea. My father's ship had come back early. I cried out for my sisters and we jumped and waved until they docked. Smee and the crew climbed off, but I couldn't find my dad. Smee came over and handed me my dad's pocket watch."

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