Chapter 10

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"Hit. Hit. Duck. Shuffle," Chip commands as I punch the targets in his hands. "Shuffle with me. I know you can keep up."

I pick up to the pace he wants me at and shuffle quicker across the small boxing ring. He throws his arm at my head, and I duck.

"Pick it up! Pick it up!" He holds up each glove quicker.

I punch, weave, and shuffle my way around the ring in circles that go faster and faster until I start to feel dizzy. Chip puts his hands down.

"Good work. Take a break," he pulls the ropes apart for me to slide through.

I gratefully slip through the gap and drop to the ground. Snatching up my water bottle, I take a big gulp.

"That was pretty good. If we keep working on it, you could get even faster then that," Chip sidles up beside me.

"You think so?" I felt like I was the going quickest I possibly could in the drill.

"Yeah. You're already pretty quick and glide smoothly across the ring."


I didn't feel as tired as I thought I would be when I arrived this morning. I felt ecstatic to be working with Chip on fighting techniques. It helped that I am still mad about last night and the Harry ordeal too. I was already regretting going to school in forty minutes and having to see him.

"I think that's all we are going to do today. I would appreciate it if you could help me clean up. You'll still have plenty of time to get ready for school."

"Yeah I will help you. I kind of wish that we could have just kept boxing though," I sigh.

"We will pick it up again tomorrow. Promise," he throws a small smile my way.

"If you say so," I pick up my gloves and Chip's targets. He grabs the medicine ball that we were using earlier. We walk over to the shelves and put everything back in their place.

"Hey about yesterday..." Chip rubs the back of his neck.

I give him a confused look. How did he know what Harry and I did last night?

"When I kissed you on the head," he notices my confusion.

"Oh." Is all I can manage out as a wave of relief crashes over me.

"I'm sorry if I over stepped your boundaries. It just happened in the moment I guess," Chip looks at the ground.

"No it's okay. It just took me by surprise." We both awkwardly around the room now.

"Oh I thought you knew."

"Knew what?"

"Um well I thought you had already figured it out, because I don't think I am very discreet about it, but I like you. A lot. I wanted to ask you out on a date, but I know now that it is not going to happen. This is so going to ruin our friendship. I just know it already. This is all all my fault," Chip groans and slaps his face into his palm. "Look forget that I said anything. I didn't mean any harm by it. I thought you knew and picked up my clues."

He walks back over to our stuff and gathers his things. I'm rooted to the spot by the shelves. He likes me? I guess I really am oblivious. I had some suspicions, but I'm usually stuck in my head too much anyway.

"Wait Chip! Don't go!" I jog over to him.

"No y/n it's really okay. I'm sorry for making everything so awkward. I will see you tomorrow," he says dejectedly. My heart aches at the sound of it. I have never seen Chip sad before. And now I have, and it's all my fault.

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