Chapter 16

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Those words from his mouth filled me with dread. I hope she hadn't done anything stupid.

No she wouldn't, she wasn't the type.

Well I didn't think she was the type to cheat so did I really know her?

"What's wrong? Is she okay?" I ask the worry dripping from my voice no matter how much I didn't want to care I could not just turn off my feelings, even though I wanted to.

He clicks on to what I am thinking and his eyes go wide "Oh no no!" he tries to reassure me "she's fine there's nothing like that.." he trails off not sure what words to use.

"It's just, she keeps ringing Lauren trying to get in touch with you, Lauren said she has rung her mobile and the landline, she tried ringing me but I blocked her" he sounds a bit guilty at that admission. Camila and Nick had always got on really well and Lauren and Camila were friends. It must have hurt him to block her but he wanted to stay loyal to me.

I was grateful for that.

"I'm sorry Nick I didn't want you and Lauren getting caught up in this" I shake my head looking at the ground I still can't believe all this is happening.

"Tell Lauren I am sorry, Camila shouldn't be bothering her, it's between her and I, only." I am confident about that, too many people were involved already and Lauren had enough stress with Nick going on tour for a month, she didn't need another couples problems, well their breakup.

"She's okay about it, she just said Camila won't stop ringing her and crying and asking her to ask me to ask you to answer the phone, or at least put it on" God, that sounded convoluted.

"But Nick I don't want to talk to her" I really didn't.

"I told Lauren that, but we got a bit of a problem" he looks nervous.

"What..." I narrow my eyes.

"Lauren accidentally slipped that this was your final tour and Camila first of all flipped that you were going on tour and secondly asked why it was your last one, then Lauren may have told her that you agreed to leave at the end of your contract." The apologetic tone was evident in his voice. This wasn't his or Lauren's fault I had wanted to tell Camila all this, but then the shit storm happened and then there was no need to tell her anything, she lost the right to know about my plans and to care about me going on tour the day she allowed him to go balls deep in her vagina.

It was crude, but it was the truth.

I let out a frustrated sigh. "It's not you or Lauren's fault man, sorry about this"

He looked expectantly at me "there's more"

"oh Jesus Christ Nick, what now? You are really bad at giving bad news you know? If anything ever happens to me your not allowed to tell my next of kin" I laughed, but inside I felt empty, my next of kin was Camila.

I kept laughing "Actually my next of kin is still Camila, please feel free to tell her about my untimely death in any long drawn out way you like."

"You really need to change that dude" he laughed with me.

"Yeah right to who? I don't have anyone else, well except you and Lauren" it was true, I didn't have any family, with Camila and me over it was just Nick and Lauren and Nancy who were family.

"What about Rhiana Vente? I am sure she would be more than happy to nurse you back to health if you got injured" he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Yes I am sure Ariana Grande! would love that 3am phone call! Anyway stop changing the subject what's the other bad news" I rolled my eyes at him.

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