Chapter 36

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I slammed my fist into the drywall in frustration. Nothing. She's nowhere to be fucking found! No one has heard a thing from her and it's pissing me off! No one just disappears. No fucking one! "Don't be breaking my shit," my pops glared at me. "Calm down son. I know you're upset but destroying my house isn't going to do shit but piss me off."

"We need to find her. Right fucking now!"

"What the hell do you think we're doing here?" Bryson said. "Just relax man. We're going to find her."

"There are a million and one places she can be at right now. Don't tell me to fucking relax. She was fine. She was getting fucking better the last time she was kidnapped and this shit happens? I promised to fucking protect her."

"And you will," AJ said. "She's missing, not dead. We are going to find her." I kept telling myself to have faith but I was too pissed to listen. I want her home. I NEED her here right now. Essence has become my whole world. My entire reason for being here and if I don't have her...I don't have anything. "We've got every able body person we have out there looking for her, looking for information. We're going to do this."

"Yeah," I said rubbing my eyes. I really just wanted them to stop talking for a second. My phone started ringing and I glanced at the caller ID. I breathed in sharply seeing it was Andre. "It's Andre."

"Don't tell him," Bryson said. 

"The fuck you mean don't tell him?" AJ looked at him crazy. "Andre is a fucking demon when it comes to people he cares about. If we don't tell him now he'll find out later. And he'll be pissed."

"He'll lose his fucking mind if we tell him Essence is missing."

"Either way he's going to know something is wrong," I said. "They talk damn near every day. I'm sure he's called her and that's why he's calling me. They're family. I can't keep this shit from him." I slid my thumb across the screen to answer. "Yeah?"

"You want to tell me why Essence isn't answering her phone?" he asked. I sighed. Of course he knows something is wrong. He always does. I swear his information gathering skills are way better than ours and I have no idea how. 

"You're not going to take this well," I said. "Essence...she's missing."

"Excuse me?"

"I went out of town on business and when I came back she's gone. She was supposed to have gone to AJ's house but never made it. We're doing everything we can to find her." It was quiet for a long time. I had to make sure he was still on the phone. "Hello?"

"We're on our way," he said before hanging up. 

"What'd he say?" Bryson asked. 

"Said they were coming. We need to find out something-" There was banging on the door that got all of our attention. 

"Who the fuck is that banging on my god damn door like the police?" Pops said standing up. We all stood in the kitchen waiting for him to get back. "What the fuck?" We went out and saw two uniformed cops on his doorstep. "The fuck y'all want?"

"We're looking for Demetrius Haynes," one of the cops said looking right at me. 

I contorted my face up in confusion. "The fuck you want me for?"

"Put your hands behind your back," his partner said taking out his cuffs. "You're under arrest."

"What the fuck for?" I grunted when he slammed me into the wall. They put the cuffs on and started reading me my rights. "What the fuck did I do?"

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