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*two months later*

i sat in a booth at the pizza shop near my house. corbyn and daniel were wrestling each other, though it was hard, considering we were sitting in a booth. and jonah was ordering the pizza.

when he came to sit back down, he draped his long arm on daniel's shoulders. the younger one had recently died his hair blonde and it made his flushed cheeks stick out more. they've only been dating for a month and a half.

it was the only thing that had changed in our group, everything else remained the same. well besides the fact that we were now missing one person. jack wasn't part of our group for long, but it had seemed like it. even before he became part of it, me just talking about him was enough.

in a way, i missed crushing over jack. feeling the need to have him, but knowing that i couldn't. in all i just missed jack. it had been two months since i physically saw him, though we talked every night. sometimes so late that mom would have to come in and remind me to go to bed.

the boys and i jokes with each other, talked about what we would do over the summer and what classes we might take. i found myself guessing what classes jack would take, i'd have to ask him tonight.

it took me a while to realize that jonah was asking me a question. "day dreaming again, zach?"

i blushed and smiled. "maybe. kind of hard when you guys are being boring."

corbyn faked gasped and held his hand to his heart. "well that just hurts." the pizza got here and he was over it.

we chowed down on the pizza and continued to talk. as much as i missed jack. i also missed the old days.

days where i could just sit with the boys and be Free.

well lacey's that is looks like the end. i'm honestly glad it's over, there was so many times when i thought about just deleting the story but i stuck it out. if it didn't get as much attention as it did i probably would have deleted it. i just want to say thank you to those who continuously showed support and those who read it. i love and appreciate you all

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