Yandere SCP-173 x SCP Reader x Yandere SCP-682

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(I sorta ran out of inspiration for this one, but I possibly might go back and rewrite it.)

I was sitting in my cell, like always. I was brought here years ago by the foundation when they "discovered" my elemental powers. At least I've made "friends" here. Two in particular have taken an obvious liking to me. Those two friends are SCP-173 and SCP-682. I never thought 682 was capable of feeling love, but here we are. Today, we were all supposed to be doing some testing thing together.

Time Skip

Once I had been transported safely to 682's containment chamber, I stayed near the door as 682 was still in his usual reptilian form and seemed to be sleeping, or at least resting and I didn't want him to think I was a Class-D or something. Soon SCP-173 was transported to the containment chamber as well. The intercom came on and we were told to act how we naturally would around each other.

It started with a normal conversation, but then 173 started getting possessive when 682 made flattering remarks about me. "Back off, 682. Y/N is MINE." 173 as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. 682 growled, "It's quite the other way around, 173." He said moving closer towards us. 682 shifted into his humanoid form. I wiggled out of 173's arms and tried moving away from these two crazy Yanderes. 682 and 173 ran towards me and I was backed up into a corner. Seeing as I had nowhere to go, I had to answer the question, "So, which one of us do you choose?" 173 asked smirking.

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