SCP-049 x Anxious Reader

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Everyday was a struggle for me, before I started working at the foundation I had anxiety, it's only worsened since I've been here. This was an extremely stressful job after all. All of the breaches and paperwork piling up recently has sent me into several panic attacks within the last few days. I'd been requesting to be assigned to a more calm SCP, I was so thankful when they assigned me to SCP-049. I've heard that he is very cooperative and polite for the most part. I was on my way to meet him right now. As soon as I walked into the observation room for his chamber, he turned to me, "Greetings, you are the researcher recently assigned to me, correct?" He asked calmly. I nod, "Yes...I am..." He noticed I was on edge. "There's no need to be so tense." His voice was very soothing, at least to me.

I nod again and relaxed a bit. He began writing in his journal again, I didn't ask what he'd been writing about. When pressed for answers about it, he wouldn't say anything or simply hand staff members the journal, but it was written entirely in an unknown language. While I waited for him to finish, I accidentally spilt my coffee on some paperwork I'd been working on for days, the papers were due today. I started freaking out and had another panic attack. He heard my not-so-quiet attack and turned back to me, "Ah, anxiety has gotten the best of you it seems. Do not worry, everything will be alright. I can easily help you start over on the work that's been ruined. We'll have it done by the end of the day, I promise you." He said softly. I started calming down, I felt like a heavy weight had been lifted off me. 

Later, I had let him out of his chamber and we were quickly working to complete the assignments. By the end of the day, we had completed them, just like he promised. It was a huge relief for me, I turned in my paperwork which my superiors were impressed by. I didn't tell them that I had some help, as it would cause possible suspicion and get me in trouble. From then on, 049 offered to help me with whatever assignments or work I needed done. My anxiety had started getting better thanks to him, I had so much to thank him for. He's proved to be the best friend I've ever had. 

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