SCP-735 x Rude Female Reader

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Today I was going to be brought in for an interview with SCP-735 because of my "rude and harsh" behavior to see how it would react. I sat down in the chair in the interview room and I was told to have a conversation with it. "Um, hello." I said to the gray box like object on the other side of the table. "Hi bitch." It said. "Hmph, usually I'm the one who starts being rude first." I said. "Oh shut it, cum slut." It said back. "Oh fuck off you piece of plastic shit." 

Researchers were writing our conversation down and told me to continue the conversation. "Look I don't wanna be here talking to you either but-" I began to speak before it cut me off, "Well thank you Captain Obvious, you been a great fucking help to society." It said. I began to get even angrier, "You listen to me you little bootleg ps4 lookin' bitch, As I was saying, I don't want to be here talking with you either. So cut me some slack."

It scoffed and fell silent for a moment before it engaged me in a screaming match. After the very violent, short outburst. I asked one of the guards for a glass of water. The box yelled again, "Yeah you heard the bitch! Get this little unorganized, grabastic piece of shit a fucking glass of damn water!" We kept arguing and exchanging insults back and forth until the guard came back with a glass of water. I took a few sips before we repeated the whole thing all over again. I had no idea how long this would go on for but something tells me it's gonna be a LONG day.

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