Corporal Lawrence x Yandere Reader

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Being a female nurse in the trenches wasn't easy. Flirty and horny soldiers who are desperate to see a woman for the first time in years doesn't make it any easier. I lived in the same filth and horror the soldiers did. I was the only female nurse among the male medics in the trench at the time, unlike other some other trenches. I'd made many friends with the soldiers, only to see them die not long after. Times were hard, it'd been that way since I was a little girl. I've lost so many friends and family members. It was hard getting close to people for me. A certain soldier has been causing a disturbance for a while now, some say he's the reason nearly every man in this trench has gotten trench foot at one point or another. I don't believe that's true, they just don't particularly like him because he's...quiet. Maybe he just doesn't like talking. All I know is that I've fallen for him anyway. His name? Corporal Lawrence.

He was so handsome and charming when he talked to me. He always knew how to make me laugh. Some other soldiers always chased me and tried to get with me, but I politely declined. I wanted my precious Lawrence. That day, he along with some other men were ordered to investigate a German trench that had fallen silent for the past week. I was worried for him, I knew he was ordered to go because people just wanted him gone. I'm just a nurse, nothing I could do about it. It was very dangerous for soldiers to leave their trenches, most wouldn't come back. I sat on my bunk after they'd left and cried for him. I prayed for him to come back alive to me. I don't know what I'd do without him. Thankfully, he had returned safely. The others brought him to me, saying that he had thrown up some black sludge. I'd never heard of anything like this happening; normal vomit sure, but it was never black. And this didn't seem like smelled like sickly-sweet rot. 

I took care of him as best I could. Which I always did with soldiers but I gave him even better treatment. I wouldn't let other medics near him most of the time. When he was sleeping, I'd secretly kiss him quickly. My heart would race, it's something I've wanted to do for so long. Little did I know, he was always secretly awake. He'd grin after I had looked away. I was always so protective over him as well, which he seemingly enjoyed. Once he was well enough to leave the infirmary, I noticed how Private Dixon began talking to him everyday. And not just a few sentences, he'd try to have conversations with my Lawrence. It made my blood boil. Lawrence is MINE. Not Dixon's or anyone else's. They had seemingly been getting closer. That was it. Dixon had to go. The next morning, Dixon's body had been found gutted and tangled in some barbed wire outside. His death of course was blamed on Lawrence. "No, no, no...this wasn't the plan..." I thought to myself. I tried convincing everyone that he wasn't guilty. They just somewhat ignored me.

I woke up one day to find out that most of the other men in the trench were dead. It was as if something...corrosive had killed them in their sleep. I desperately looked around for Lawrence, he was alive and well. When a runner came to deliver a message to the trench, he yelped when he seen the state of it. He brought me and Lawrence back to his home trench where we were sent to a mental hospital to be evaluated. I passed but Lawrence however...didn't do so well on the test. I begged to stay with him. After enough crying and pleading, they let me stay. Many of the female nurses loved him, but not nearly as much as I do. Unsurprisingly, many of them came up missing shortly after. No one knows what happened to them. Surely they'd never expect me. I'd break into the men's ward every night just to sleep in the bunk beside him. I knew he must return the feelings, or else he wouldn't let me do all these things. We spent weeks there together. A nurse came to check in on where some missing patients from the men's ward had gone.

When she walked in, everything was a mess. Some blood was splattered on the floor and walls along with some black sludge. Beds were messy and flipped over or all pushed into a corner and everyone who stayed there was missing. When she checked under a bed, she screamed when she seen a tight, neat spiral of teeth. When the teeth were counted, there were enough for a set of teeth for every person in the ward, except for two. Lawrence and I were never seen again, they couldn't find any records or station orders on us. Rumors of us and what happened at that trench still circulated among men on all sides in the war on all fronts. Many just passed us off as a bad luck legend and didn't pay attention to it. Rumors of a dark figure stalking the destroyed, bomb riddled towns of World War One battlefields still are told. Alongside that dark figure is a seemingly ghost-like figure, a female figure wearing a tattered nurse uniform.

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