Chapter 2

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"That's right." she smirked.

"What do y-you want?" I remembered her from the last hunter hayes concert, and she was making out with him. ugh! an Ugly sight too.


"Dude. he's over you. he has a girlfriend."

"Wow! she must be way prettier than you." she laughed.

"Shut up!"

"Make me, make me, cause you can't touch this!" she motioned her hands at her face.

"Good cause I don't want to get Ebola from and ugly person."

Her eyes widen. it was pretty funny.

"What. did you. just say?"

"You heard me. get lost. then call Dora and her map." I smirked.

Her mouth dropped. she made a grunt and turned on her heel, and walked away. also shaking that flat butt of hers.

I walked back in and closed the door laughing. her face was priceless, and I can't believe I just burned her.

Do you need ice for that buuuurn!

I headed back up to my room and flopped onto the bed. I took my phone from the side table, and scrolled through my notifications.

Always boring... yep, my life is boring. despite me dating a hot guy, that does have some of a career starting. I mean geeze, he has over five-hindered thousand followers on twitter. ehh, close to a million. but still! I know that's were I get most of my followers between twitter and Instagram too, but still. it's kinda NCOs to know how many people like us together. some have been there for me through these heartbreaks caused by him. then I guess hunter posted something about me being in the hospital. my messages, and comments blew up with 'I hope your okay.' 'get better Jade' and ect. but I'm happy about that. they care. if anyone ever let's me down, including hunter, Jordan, and my parents, I have my fans to go to.

I stopped at one tweet that caught my eyes.

'That beautiful girl, the ones that's blond, and can also act like it, it's officially mine again. I couldn't thank her more than anything in the world for giving me one more chance. I don't deserve it, but I'm glad she accepted my heart again. no one can compare to her, or ever be like her. no ones personality, or kindness could match hers. no ones eyes, hair, or beautifulness could match hers. Jade is my babe, baby, girlfriend, rock, lover, partner, best friend, soulmate, and anything you could say. I love her to deaths and is die if I didn't have her. And you could say I'm obsessed, but not really. it's true love to me. I care for her happiness than my own. I still can't ask for any better. I know we have had a rough start, an rough time when to I were in the hospital, but I forgive you. we all make mistakes, we are all human, not perfectionists. I love Jade Sims. :) <3'

I literally had tears in the corners of my eyes after reading that.. he is so caring, and loving, and I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world. he's my everything. like he said, we may have had hard times, but I also forgive him too. I can't stay mad at that dirty blond goof ball for long. it's too hard to. even though it's happened before... but that was cause he was getting mad at me, kissed Hannah, accused me of dating Jordan.

I closed my eyes, and though of what to type in the comments. or no, I'll make it a post and tag him in it.

'Nothing can explain mine and hunters relationship. it's very special, and I think priceless. I can't trade that goof ball for long. :) he also means everything to me, and he's just so darn special. I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have a guy like him. oh yeahh.. I wonder if he remembers football field, sensation. cause I doo. he was the one to make me like guys again, and told me it's ok to fall In love. he also showed me the good in guys, and I can't help but to thank him for that. I want to spend the rest if my life with him, but that's a few years down the road. I already know there will be breakups and heartbreaks again during these years. I love you Hunter Easton Hayes. ;) <3'

I put a lot of though into that long paragraph right there. and I meant ever word of it too. Especially the last part about spending the rest if my life with him..

I know I have had two short chapters in the new book, but I'm trying, and I've been busy. I just wanted to update for yall! :) hope you like it!!

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*drum role!*





!!!!! Congratz!!!! also thank you for the other votes, and reads too!!! love y'all of y'all!!!!:D

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