Chapter 10

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Once I got off the phone with Derek. I laid there and cried.

Derek told me the reason why he called me babe. apparently he thought that was his girlfriends number, since he deleted mine. so I called it unknown just in case. also apparently I sounded like her a little.

I just can't believe I blew up on him, and broke up with him. but something had to be done. he doesn't trust me.

The tears stopped falling down my face, so I took my chance and dialed up his number.

It rung and rung and rung. then straight to voicemail. I hung up, cause I know how much he doesn't like voicemails. I stood up, and walked over to my window.

His car was gone. so maybe he didn't answer cause he's driving. I walked a back over to my bed and sat down.

A faint knock was heard from my door.

"Come in." My voice sounded rough.

"I heard downstairs. you okay?"

"No." My voice shook. I was back on the verge of crying again.

"It's gonna be okay. he'll come back around. boys are just buttholes. Plus, y'all have went through this before so many times."

"I know. but I feel like it's different this time. like we are never getting together again. I could barely stand it the last time. how am I suppose to handle it this time? he changed mom. he truly loves me, and I love him. he's made my world better, and I couldn't blame him for any bad things along the way. he knows how to make me smile, he knows all my favorite things. he knows everything about me. he's not just my boyfriend. But my best friend too."

"I know honey. I was like that with a wonderful guy in high school."

"What happen?" I asked while sniffing. my mom handed me the box of tissues she was holding.

"We were on and off for a long time, until he was tired of it. he proposed to me on graduation day in high school."

"Oh. but that will never happen with me and hunter!" I started full out balling again.

My mom just sat there rubbing my back. Once I calmed down, she said she had to go back downstairs.

I laid down, and just thought of the memories.

The football field, horse riding. The time with Derek and Mia, when they were together. my accident. Jordan. hunter. today. 5th grade. The love letters from my locker. the concerts. Hannah and him kissing. all our fights. the songs he's wrote me. the song I had him hear that I wrote. car rides. late talks. his house for the project.

Everything just came back. I can't lose him.

My phone rung again. I felt the butterflies on the inside hoping it was hunter calling me back.

But it wasn't. it was... Jordan?

"Hello?" I answered questioning him.

"Jade..."his voice was so lost sounding and faint. Lilly?

"Is it Lilly? did y'all break up?"

"No.. it's.." he paused.

"Tell me Jordan! who! who is it?"


My heart stopped, along with my breathing. a million thoughts ran through my mind. what happen to him? is he okay? is this just a joke to get back at me."

"Hunter. as in hayes?"

"Yes. your boyfriend."

My heart sunk once he said that. hunter must have not told him...

"We.. uhh. actually we aren't dating anymore."

"What?" his voice sounded shock.


"Well anyways. hunters mom called me, and said hunter has been in a accident."

My world stopped. it just froze. I didn't move a single muscle. I kept hearing Jordan say hello? you okay? but I ignored him. I hung up the pone and laid it in front of my lap. I just stared straight ahead at a blank wall.

Nothing seemed to be real anymore.

I just had once question left...

Is he dead?

Update again! hehe :) but she knows hunters in the hospital, so what happens next?

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