Chapter 5

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I woke up tangled in hunters arms and legs. I tried to move and not wake him up, but that failed.

"Morning." his morning voice said.

"I gotta go pee hunter. let me up."

He just chuckled and let go. I scurried out if his room, and into the bathroom.


I washed my hands, and dried them with a towel that was hanging up.

Besides going back into hunters room, I headed downstairs to greet his mom and dad.

Once I got down there they were both sipping coffee.

"Morning." I said smoking them both look up at me.

"Hello dear." Mrs. hayes answered.

"Sorry about all this trouble lately. that is if your obnoxious son has said anything.."

"Yes. he has. about you in that wreck and in the hospital. Then how y'all broke up. and Jordan trouble too."

"Yeah. but I told him everything about Jordan, and yeah. plus he has a girlfriend now anyways. but me and hunter are back to normal once again. I can't promise this won't be our last breakup. there will be more. and more getting together. and stuff like that. oh yeah! the concert was pretty fun last night to. he wrote me another song that I absolutely love! it's probably my favorite now.. I should have him sing it to you later on if y'all wouldn't mind. sorry for talking so much."

Once I finished let's just say...i was out if breathe.

"Did you drink coffee already this morning? you are so hyper." my lovely boyfriend came behind and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"No." I laughed. "I just haven't talked to your parents for a while so a lot had to be said." I smiled.

He turned me around, and kissed me on the lips. not a long one, but more like a peck.

"We gotta go get ready for school."

I started running upstairs to best him. and I did. I walked over to my bag and dug out some clothes. skinny jeans, hoodie, black tank, black vans, and makeup kit.

I headed to the bathroom to finish up my morning stuff.

Once I was done with everything, I dunks he my hair in a messy bun.

First day back to school in what seems forever.

Hunter decided to drive. I noticed be haven't rode the bus much. well at least I haven't since I started dating this goof butt.

"So." hunter brown the awkward silence. "ready to face school again? along with Mia and Derek?"

I haven't talked I them in what seems as forever. but I honestly not care. also I haven't texted Jordan in a day or two. I wonder how he is, and his girlfriend. I haven't seen any pictures, so I hope she goes to our school.

"I guess so. I mean I can't hide away forever. and Mia and Derek are the least of my worries. but I just hope I won't get a lot of states from being away for almost 2 weeks."

"Yeah. I know how you feel."


"No. I haven't been in a wreck, but I've been the new kid, so it's almost the same feeling."

"Oh yeah. true. but see, I've never moved or changed schools. been in that same bedroom since I was born."

"Dang that's a long time!"

Hunter turned into our school and parked. we walked hand in hand up to the building. now since he is becoming known, a lot of girls are staring at him. some even wanted an autograph, but he said wait till lunch. so that means he won't be sitting with me at lunch. I frowned. but hunter knew what I was thinking.

"I'm still sitting with you, don't worry. I just said that."

"No. you have to know hunter. don't make a promise you can't keep."

"True. but I still will sit with you."

"Thanks." I smiled once again.

The first 2 classes went by quick. along with lunch. hunter kept his promise and say next to me. also gave the couple girls autographs like they wanted.

Hunter is so sweet now. it's like after we started dating again, he's done everything to stay with me. he hasn't made me mad yet, or left me for his friends. he's always been by my side, and made sure I was ok. I know I keep saying how awesome he is, but it's true! I'm glad to have him.

After lunch, hunter walked me to class.

"See I keep promises."

"Yeah cause told you to." I laughed.



"Nope." he popped the p.


"Whatever chicky."


"Yeah jade. chicky. your a girl. a chick. so add a y, and it makes chicky. but I don't mean it as your a chicken of things. you really aren't. You've been in more things than I have."

"And what does that mean?" I started my locker combination.

"I don't know. it's just. the wreck, me breaking your heart in elementary. then every guy would want you, but you refused to let them have you. to I kept your walls up from everyone. yet the one that hurt you most, to you gave him chances. to many chances that he didn't deserve really. but even though he tried so hard at the beginning, still not winning her, she let him into his life. they have both had ups and downs. and too many people getting in the middle of their life. hint as Jordan and Hannah. but they didn't let them break them apart for too long. and I'm glad she trusted him with everything. and I'm glad she said she wanted to spend the rest of her life with me."

"Hunter?" I was finished getting my books and was just listing to his message.


"Your not proposing are you?"

"No. not yet at least."

My eyes widen with shock. not yet? so that means he will eventually? great. this is a dream. this can't be real. hunter is not gonna propose to me ever. but he did say he will. but not now. oh my gosh what has life became?


The rest of the day was fast like normal. only a few people asked where I have been. but those were a few people I've talked to in the years. then I never did see Derek or Mia anywhere in school. or lunch. I wonder if there dating again. speaking of dating, I did see Jordan. and yes, his girlfriend was with him. Lilly is such a pretty girl like I expected. ins straight hair, crystal blue eyes, and skinny. she was also a few inches taller than me, and she was in gymnastics. no, no cheerleading. she is on a gymnastics team, that also competes. She has won 10+ medals in 2 years.

But so far, life is back to normal.

Another chapter is here! I'm sorry I haven't updated like normal! it was fall break so I was busy all week, and no time to update. if I could, it was at night, and I was super tired. but I tried making it long for y'all to where it would pay back the time I didn't update. but I hope to I like it, yeah it's sorta crappy.. sorry about that. the next chapter will be a lot better though. :D

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