Chapter 9

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Once I regain my thoughts, I picked the phone back up.

"Derek?" I question shocked. he hasn't been at school, or talked to me ever since.. I don't remember.

"Yeah it's me babe."

"Babe?" hunter questioned to me.

"No. no, I don't know why he said that. I-I swear."

"Sure you don't. maybe it was a unknown number so I wouldn't know who calls you. are you kidding me Jade?!"

I heard the other line click dead. I locked my phone, and just stared at him. why is he so mad? I haven't talked to Derek in forever. plus, we were friends a long time ago. Oh right... when we kissed he hated him. well gosh, that was a long time ago! he can get over it! he had a girl at that time.

And that was before we started dating. and honestly right now, I feel like we are about to end us once again.

"Answer me!" he yelled. he shook my shoulders. this was the first physical thing he has done while breaking up.. I'm honestly scared.

"I haven't talked to him in forever! check my phone if you don't believe me! oh wait, that's right... you never do believe me. but when something happens like that to me, you hurt me, and break up with me with no explanation. yet with you, you think you deserve a reason. just like you did with that Hannah girl. you know what hunter. I don't care about your crap anymore. maybe besides me loving you, and getting hurt, we need to stop talking. I'm tired of this on and off crap. and I've had enough of you getting mad at me all the time. Figure out your own problems, and not mine. and don't jump to conclusions about things when you don't know the full story. you know what.. I'm done. I'm so done. We're done hunter. so you don't have to say it anymore. just get out, and leave me alone!"

Once I was done yelling at him, I just stared at his face. he held a sad emotion, almost hurt. I thought I saw his eyes water for a second too. he opened his mouth to say something, then stopped. then again.

"Jade. I don't mean to hurt you like that, and you know it too. it's just, it hurts me to see you with any other guy besides me. or even him. I still remember when y'all kissed out on the wall. When I was with that girl I cared less about. And it keeps replaying. I get mad cause I don't want to loose you Jade. you mean everything to me, and I can't live without you. and yes I may want to give an explanation about the girls I'm with, because I want to show you they don't matter. I'm sorry I kissed Hannah back in front of you, I'm sorry I get mad when you talk to other guys, I'm sorry I hurt you emotionally, I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry I'm not perfect, or no where near close to it. I'm sorry about what happened in elementary school with us. I'm sorry Jade. I know I don't deserve your acception, but just know I am sorry. Once I got you back, I was so happy. I stayed up almost all night looking through old messages and photos of us. and I'm especially sorry about the whole Mia thing. I guess that's all I can say. I truly love you Jade, even tho it may not seem so all the time, but I do."

He quickly kissed my cheek, and walked out the door. I stood there speechless. trying to grasp the words that hunter just said, was pretty hard. I accept the apology, but I can never forgive him that he always does this.

My phone started to ring again. I just left it in my hand to ring, and ring, an ring, until it finally went to voicemail.

I closed my eyes, and let a single tear fall. I wish this never happened, but at some point, I knew it was. everything was so perfect. too perfect. then he just decided to break at that moment with Derek.

I looked at my phone to see the full collar id: Derek

Across my phone. I pressed the call back, button, then lifted it to my ear.

"Hello?" he answered.

:Hunters POV:

I can't believe she broke up with me. I was truly happy again. and now less than a week we are over. Again. it's all my fault and my anger issues with her guy friends. I completely trust her not to cheat on me. but why did I blow up? I sat in my car, and huffed. just 30 minutes ago we were laughing, and I was tickling her. we were kissing, not having a care in the world. both of us happy. ugh! why did she have to answer that phone!

I did what any real man would have done. I started to cry. not just a tear or two, but many. many fell down my cheeks. I don't care anymore. I lost my baby girl again. it was my fault.

I put on my seatbelt, and turned on my truck. I sped out of the drive way.

I continued to race down the road. I saw the light turn yellow, to red, but I was going way to fast to be able to stop. I ran past the light.

Honks were heard, everything in slow motion. nothing now could fix this situation. a red car hit the passenger door, making a hard collision. my truck starting flipping to the side, starting my way. the glass on my window broke, and I surly felt it slice into my neck. the yucky rolled a total of 3 time. how I know is like I said, everything, and movement to me was slow. once it stopped, and stood still, my neck was farces backwards onto the headrest. the Air bag popped out, crushing into my ribs. and the loose glass from the front windshield fell, cutting my legs.

I heard faint sirens in the distance. I began to close my eyes. things blurred, and I couldn't hear anything anymore.

Everything went black.

A long chapter! and lots of drama! I hope you liked!!! and sorry about the accidents between them both... but hey! at least they haven't died. well jade didnt. who knows about hunter ;)

Love yall!!!! next update will be soon.

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