Chapter 13

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I heard the doorbell ring. I jumped up off my bed, and ran down the stairs. I about tripped on the last step.

Once I reached the door, I quickly fixed my hair, and opened it.

The first thing that happened, was I was engulfed by a bear hug. Before I could properly wrap my arms around his back, we fell. I screamed, then felt my back hit the floor, hard.

I kept my eyes closed to see if the pain would go away. I felt Jordan take his hands out from underneath my back, and support his weight. the pain started to fade. I opened my eyes to see his looking at me..

"What?" I whispered to where only the two of us could hear.

"Nothing." he smiled.

There was a long pause, and silent breaths. it was actually comfortable. nothing awkward about it. I smiled back at him. If I wasn't completely in love with hunter, I would so date him. I honestly would. I mean, his blond hair is so perfect, and his blue eyes, don't get me started. his jawline was perfect, also along with his lips... my eyes trailed down to his lips. they were full, and pink. very kissable right now. I closed my eyes for a second, and met then back at his gaze. but his gaze wasn't n my eyes now, but my lips.

Once he noticed I knew he as looking, his eyes met mine again. I saw him bite his bottom lip a little.

I smiled to let him know it's okay.

That must have really had an affect on him because he didn't hesitate. his smashed his lips right on mine. gosh, he's a good kisser, I thought. our lips moved in a perfect sync, not missing a spot. I felt him lick my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I didn't hesitate. Our tongues had a battle to see who would win, but he did.

I pulled my head back, to gain more air. that didn't stop him, he started to leave kisses down my neck. I moaned out his name, and that's when he but a small part of my neck. I knew he left a mark.

Jordan finally stopped, and let his head rest onto shoulder. we were both breathing really hard. Yes me and hunter has kissed before, but not like that..

Great. hunter.

"Jordan?" I widowers once again.

"Yes girly?" he got up off of me, and helped me to my feet. I looked at his lips to see them a bit redder.

"One. don't call me girly again. and two. Hunter. what if he finds out? yes we may be broken up, and stuff. but that doesn't mean he wouldn't be mad if he found out." Then his girlfriend Lilly came to mind. "wait. what about Lilly? she's your girlfriend! you just cheated on her!" I gasped at the end, I can't believe I let him do that. If I was thinking better, I wouldn't have let him! oh my gosh!

"Hunter.. Umm.. well y'all are broke up right? so he can't be mad? and Lilly... I totally forgot about her at that moment. yeah I know, bad boyfriend for that.. but, it was just that moment between us... I can't even explain it. Lilly was never good like that. okay, boyfriend on overdrive now.. please just don't tell Lilly?"

I saw the plead in Jordan's eyes. how would I know he wouldn't tell hunter when he wakes up? I surly know I wouldn't ruin his relationship.

"I have a deal. don't tell hunter, when he wakes up. then I won't tell Lilly?"

"Deal." we shook hands.

I started laughing at that funny movement. and once Jordan caught on, he started to laugh too.

"You are a good kisser tho Jade." he smirked.

I smacked his arm playfully, and rolled my eyes. at least Jordan is back to his normal playful self. I hope.

Here's the first chapter of many to come! I'm on break, and stuff!! I would have updated yesterday (Saturday), but I was busy!! ily guys!

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