Chapter 21

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Guys are so not worth it. guys are so freaking stupid. I hate them..

2 weeks later:

I woke up that Monday morning, ready for school again.. Even thought I haven't been in forever, I've been going back after what happened with Jordan. I still see him everyday in lunch, and he sees me, but all he does is roll his eyes at me. I know he's still mad at me about being happy that hunters alive.

Speaking of hunter, he was able to go home about two days ago, and is on bed rest for this week. then he's coming back to school. great..

I'm still not too thrilled about guys right now. I even asked my teacher if I could move to where I'm mean more girls than guys. even though that didn't work. too much drama!

I got out of bed finally and walked over to my bathroom. I brushed the rats nest that was sitting on top of my head, then my stinky breath.

I continued doing morning stuff like I did in the beginning. Makeup, and clothes, and ect.

I heard the normal car horn, and walked outside to see Mia waiting for me.. Yes, we are friends again actually.

"Hey." I said in a sigh, getting into the car.

"What's got you bummed?" She asked driving away from my house.

"Jordan. I still can't forget anything. Like when he slapped me, it still replays in my mind. I trusted him enough to believe he wouldn't do that. but no, I was too blind to see it." I paused fora second before continuing. "And Hunter. You know how I said he got out Saturday? Well in a week he'll be back.. I'm scared to tell him about Jordan."

"Just tell hunter about Jordan. he can't do much causes he'll still be hurt."

"Yeah but he could get hurt worse by Jordan. Jordan could tell hunter how he's not good enough for me, and play around acting like he likes me when he doesn't. Jordan's just acting like this. Gosh, I don't think he knows what happened back in elementary when hunter slapped me."

"It's okay Jade!"

She pulled into the parking lot, and dropped me out front. the bell rung, so I walked in then headed to my locker. I missed this, weird I know.


I walked down the hall from my second class, to go back to my locker. Once I opened it, a note fell out.

I curiously picked it up, and slowly opened it.

Dear Jade,
Meet me in 5 minutes before your 3rd class start. meet me where you first kissed me.
-Hunter Hayes

I was absolutely shocked. How did he even get here? He's suppose to be in bed rest. That's what he told me.. Unless..

I ran out of the first building and into the second. I turn down the hall, and opened the door to the room. everything was still the same. the same way it was when he first showed me it. the carpets, couches, everything, was in its normal place. Even the last time he played his guitar, that song he wrote me. it was still on the couch.

But I noticed there was something on it.

Once I got closer, I saw another note was placed there, taped by a corner. I guess so it wouldn't fall or whatever.

I picked it up, and opened it.

Dear Jade,
You found the second note. didn't think you'd remember where we first kiss at because we've kissed at so many places. ;) but now go out to he place where you said yes to me.
-Hunter Hayes.

The field. Got it.

I stuffed the second note into my bag, like I did the first. I walked out of the building, and past people. finally once outside, I sighed.

What could hunter possible want from me? Like seriously.

I opened the gate, and casually walked in. I looked out into the field to see hunter.

Wearing a tux?

Okay what is this boy thinking now? I walked over to him.

"Hunter?" I questioned but he interrupted me.

"Shh. Just listen Jade."


He started. and I already could tell this was about to be a long, message.

"Jade Sims. I remember the first time we kissed. It was right after I sung you that song. I felt so much in that kiss I knew I needed you. then once I got you out here into this field, on this very spot, I asked you to be my girlfriend. You jumped to me, and said yes. I couldn't have been more happier than ever at that time. We did everything together. for instance, our first date was riding horses. after that I don't think I ever had a second proper date with you. we always spent the time at my house, and no where else. well until my concerts. then that even went downhill. when you broke up with me cause you saw Hannah kissing me, I was devastated. I didn't want anything else but to get you back. then I did. then you again broke up with me cause of the Mia think and all that crap. she wouldn't listen to me, when I told her I don't want to date her cause I had you. then other stuff happened, and I got you back. I had you back for a long time, and I knew that time we wouldn't have broken up. you even said it yourself you loved me so much and you never wanted to break up again."

He paused to breath for a second, before he continued. I already had a few tears in my eyes.

"Then.. when Derek called you, I was concern on why he called you baby. but I wasn't gonna break up with you cause I couldn't loose you. We fought and stuff yeah, but when you said those 3 words, we are done, I was crushed. I had nothing better to do than leave. I took my anger out by speeding, and got in a wreck. I do t really remember what happened but I remember feeling the truck flipping. After I woke up, and I first saw you, I thought my girlfriend was actually here for me. but then I remembered your not my girlfriend anymore. also, I'm sorry about lying about having bed rest for two weeks, it was only one. I just wanted to surprise you on this day."

I was smiling at him, knowing what he said was true. but one question left in my head. Why does he want to surprise me?

Then my question got answered.

He knelt down on one knee, and took my hand in the other.

"Jade sims. will you be my girlfriend again?"

I smiled a wide smile at him. "yes!"

"One more question." my heart started beating so fast in my chest, I really hope he's about to ask what I think he is.

"Jade. I know since we're still young and all, and I know I can't promise us being together forever yet. but proms coming? Will you be my date to Prom?"

I looked him in the eyes. he said he can't promise me that we'll be together forever YET. so that means he wants to marry me! When we are older! But prom? That's the step before!

"Yes Hunter!"

He stood up, grabbing my waist in the process and spinning us in circles. my feet dangled as he kissed me on my lips.

Gosh I missed that. But at least I have my baby boy back!

Sorry it's been a while! I really need to start writing more. but I was thinking after prom, well the prom thing, will be the last chapter, until book 3! Gosh I Lovell and all the reads y'all do. even though I have grammar mistakes, you still read it. I'm so happy with y'all.
If your still one of the readers since the beginning, vote for this chapter, and in the next chapter I'll put you in the end. well y'all's user names :)

All You wanted (book 2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ